Hey chelsea good luck gettin ur mom to go sky diving with u
we just went and watched drag me to hell....................the gayest movie of all time
anyways miss u and i hope to see u soon
hey girls, i'm glad you're having fun. chels-i've decided to go to western and major in psychology. i will explain my plan when you guys get back. miss you and love you both! oh, and i will let you know how sims 3 is tomorrow.
I'm like dad, NEED PICTURES!
Your boxes from NY came today.Computer too.
Be Safe and always think good thoughts.
Dr O'donnell
Can not believe the tales of your travels. Can not wait to see all the photographs you have taken.
Travis Brother'
Hi sis I miss you- just watched the guys head out on the boat if mom hasen't told ya tomarrow is her birthday anyway hope your having tons of fun and everything is going ok for you" People love you so smile tell Kate hi too youguys take care of eachother get b ack to ya soon..
Hello Chelsea and Kate~ I was just catching up on your travels today - it really sounds like you are making the most of your time! Hooray! I love the fact that you both have found love - lol. Miss you lots and cant wait for you to get back so I can give you a hug and hear about more stuff in person. XO
your mom is lying, she always has money. this is cool how you can post stuff on here. i miss you, a lot. HI KATE :) i'm glad you guys are together and no one is getting raped. love you both.
Hey you missing you alot!! The Family asks how your doing everyday so keep posting. Dad leaves on Sunday.Let him read this last night his remark was [must be nice][ jelous ]and what does she mean pool and drinks lol!can't wait for the trip to montana should be fun don't think about that now just enjoy yourselfs BE SAFE BE SMART AND NO I DONT HAVE ANY MONEY TO SEND but buy me something kiss kiss love you MOM
Holly Tavernier
I hope you girls are having the time of your lives! I worry about you of course, but you only live once. You will never regret this trip! Live it up and know that I am thinking about you and wishing you the very best and safest travels. XOXO