What a day ! Not just any day, a GREAT one ! ! ! We have just been in amongst the most amazing sea creatures on the planet and had the opportunity to get up close and personal. We donned our wet suits and have been snorkelling amongst colourful corals & fishes and beautiful beasties.
As if this wasn't enough they also gave us the opportunity and sorry to have to tell you this whilst you're all in the cold and rain but we've just been to see this natural marvel from the air too in a Helicopter !!!
. (managed to spot a sea turtle too)
This tour was pure sensory overload and has left us dumbfounded, bring on tomorrow and a Catermerran to the Whitsunday Islands. Anyway will get some more pics on to upset you as soon as we can ha ha ! Love to you all and will be in touch as soon as we can xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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