Hey hey y'l we are now in the North island after travelling via the most picturesque ferry ride ever ! Seems everything here is set to beautifull scenery. After the madness of the 30th Birthday celebrations which were awesome (watching Stingrays on the restaurant balcony over the Tasman Sea was worthe the shock of turning 30) we ventured to the Capital Wellington.
In need of some rest and a chill out we arrived to be greeted to thousands of luntaices dressed (or undressed as some were) in many guses and vareid forms of attire. Ranging from Gladiators to men in full on dresses & wigs the Rugby 7's finals brought them all out of the woodwork and the mayhem continued until 4:30am in the streets.
We were tucked up in bed of course ready for the flight to Auckland where we collected our lates steed ! A bright red Daihatsu Sirion we have named Lucy. Anyway must crack on as time is against us again but will try and get some more pics on when we get time/credit to do so.......
Weather is scorching the last few days but we saw some drizzel earlier so have come in the comparitive coolness of a local hostel for the night. Take care on the ice all................
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