Right have not done this for a very long time, so first part will just be catching up with where I have been. After New Zealand I headed back over to Sydney, where I kept myself amused for two weeks, thanks to Roz for letting me stay at hers. I was basically waiting it out there to see the kings of Leon in concert, who were amazing. Before heading over to South Africa, I had a stop over in Perth. Managed to get myself there without missing a flight, well done me, and got to meet up with Emma Dudman, a girl some of you might know, but I went to Primary School with her and have not seen her for 13years, was lovely to see her. That is all I did in Perth and headed off over the Indian Ocean to Jo'burg.
Thankfully, after hearing all these horror stories about being robbed and raped the moment I step out of the airport, I had my friend Drew pick me up and take me out for dinner. Very civilised, well sort of, after dinner most of the waiters in the restaurant and us ended up drinking some flaming drink with straws and I don't really remember the rest. Oops... did however make it to the airport. Where I was to head down to Port Elizabeth to meet my dad. Well after running around the airport in a mad rush to get the flight as everyone I asked sent me the wrong way, I made it to Check in.
I gave the check in lady my passport and she said, " Oh Miss Walker how lovely to have you with us, I have just checked you father in!" I nearly cried on the spot, thinking Dad didn't know about this happy coincidence I hurried through security to find dad waiting at the gate with some cadburys cream eggs, good Dad! Well of course this was totally planned and of course I cried and didnt stop talking to my poor dads annoyance for the next 4hours!
When we got to P.E. we were greeted my George Symons, a long standing friend of Dad from Zimbabwe. We were staying with George and His wife barbara, well I tell you i could get used to the life over here. All dinners cooked and washing done for me, i didn't want to leave for the long road trip to madikwi! For the few days we spent in P.E. we went off to Greyhamstown and had a famous Pie (dad loved this)
Dad and i went off to explore P.E and found a fab flee market, I could have bought everything, thankfully as i have no money and I had parental supervision i was very restrained and managed to buy little! However, I need to work on my bartering skills again! We had a number of lovely meals out and in with George and barbara's friends and also went to see the School george Works for bands play, which was lovely and rather different to evenings I have had out over the last few months!
We then took our hire car and headed off to Welkon, in the free state. We stopped off here for an evening before heading up to the Madikwi game reserve. Will complete asap!
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