cathy volunteering in kenya with ivhq
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Carina, Queensland

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Brisbane, Queensland

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Nairobi, Kenya

New blog entry posted
Nairobi, Kenya
mum and everyone oh cathy. What can I say. Being able to laugh at some of those situations is incredible. What a life-changing experience. Nothing will phase you ever again. You are amazing. Thank you so much for sharing all this. Home soon XX
Ruth Owens It is just fabulous what you are doing Cathy, I am so proud of you! It certainly confirms how lucky we are to live in Aus. Ruth xx

New blog entry posted
Nairobi Central, Kenya
Amy Reading about you holding that mans had was so touching. It must give you the best feeling when the students connect with you & show their appreciation for your help :) I think you might have trouble saying goodbye to all of the students ;) You're working incredibly hard, it makes me realise how good we have it here. Health education and medical supplies sounds like one of the most needed resources; I wonder if the Dr can set up a donation fund in Australia so that money is sent to where it is really needed. And I love to read that girls book. Just reading about your daily adventures if exciting in itself. Be careful with the physical tasks you're doing, don't want you to overdo it ;) Hope you're having more good back days than bad. Maybe you can get a massage at Sarah's "gym." Take care xx
Lesley Mansfield Wow sounds like u r doing an amazing job so proud of u !!!! Can't wait to read ur next adventure Miss u muchly stay safe and keep up the great work xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Monica What a crazy, scary, dirty, exhausting, emotional, eyeopening, rewarding, memorable adventure. Such a good read tho :)
re: Where did the donation money go?mum Cathy, This is amazing. I know we heard about these things during your stay but to see it all collated like this is incredible. Yes it is great for us to see where the donations actually went but it will be longlasting reminder for you
re: Where did the donation money go?mum et al oh Cathy. Just stay safe until it is time to leave. You have obviously done more than you had planned and expected already. Hard to even imagine what life there is like. Keep low profile and can't wait to see you soon. xxxxxxxxxx
re: Weeks 8-10Amy keep up the great work Cath. You'll be due for a very well earned break when you come back :)
re: Weeks 6-8Ruth Owens It is just fabulous what you are doing Cathy, I am so proud of you! It certainly confirms how lucky we are to live in Aus. Ruth xx
re: Weeks 6-8mum and everyone oh cathy. What can I say. Being able to laugh at some of those situations is incredible. What a life-changing experience. Nothing will phase you ever again. You are amazing. Thank you so much for sharing all this. Home soon XX
re: Weeks 6-8Cindy Mariano I'm so proud of your courage, enthu, persistance my friend. you are God sent to them. Make sure to come home in one piece though. Keep up posted. Take care..
re: Weeks 4-6Lesley Mansfield Wow sounds like u r doing an amazing job so proud of u !!!! Can't wait to read ur next adventure Miss u muchly stay safe and keep up the great work xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
re: Weeks 4-6Amy Reading about you holding that mans had was so touching. It must give you the best feeling when the students connect with you & show their appreciation for your help :) I think you might have trouble saying goodbye to all of the students ;) You're working incredibly hard, it makes me realise how good we have it here. Health education and medical supplies sounds like one of the most needed resources; I wonder if the Dr can set up a donation fund in Australia so that money is sent to where it is really needed. And I love to read that girls book. Just reading about your daily adventures if exciting in itself. Be careful with the physical tasks you're doing, don't want you to overdo it ;) Hope you're having more good back days than bad. Maybe you can get a massage at Sarah's "gym." Take care xx
re: Weeks 4-6Amy Wow that is so far removed from Brisbane life! It must really inspire you when any of the students smile or laugh despite the conditions they're forced to live in. I bet you'll be overly thankful for the simple things when you come home. It sounds like you're making a real difference to their lives :) Keep up the good work x
re: Weeks 2-4mum and everyone Cathy. You are awesome .You will need to put all these blogs into a book. Incredible reading. What an experience. Can't wait for your next call. Life here is so boring in comparison !!!. Love you heaps
re: Weeks 4-6Bec Hinton Miss Owens, I am going to be giving you the biggest hug in the world when i see you next!! I am amazed to hear all these stories of your trip and to know what amazing things you are doing over there! To say that i am proud of you in an understatement! Very glad to hear that you are safe and well and i hope that you get over your flu soon. Nothing much has been happening over here, same old stuff really. I have booked in my flight that you amazing ladies gave me for my 30th and am taking it on 19 October, i cant wait!!! lots of love Bec xo
re: Weeks 4-6Shaun Dorney You are doing wonderful things! Hopefully your deeds will have lifelong life changing consequences for your students and Kenya as a whole. Are you allowed to be proud of what you are doing? ( because we all are !!!)
re: Weeks 4-6- last visited

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mum Cathy, This is amazing. I know we heard about these things during your stay but to see it all collated like this is incredible. Yes it is great for us to see where the donations actually went but it will be longlasting reminder for you
Monica What a crazy, scary, dirty, exhausting, emotional, eyeopening, rewarding, memorable adventure. Such a good read tho :)