Montrose, Colorado, here we come. We left Pagosa Springs around 7:30am. We wanted to stop to visit the Chimney Rock Monument, but it was closed for the season. Fortunately, we could see it from the road. Very cool.
Next stop, Mesa Verde National Park. The visitor center and research center is a staging place. All the action happens on top of the mesa. We had two things against us. Walt and Barb were towing a vehicle, which they do not allow at the top. Second, we didn't have the time to make the 20 mile drive up to the mesa to do the 6 mile scenic drive or time to take the 1 hour shuttle up to the different venus. So we went through the display, got our Park Passports stamped and we were on the road.
We thought we had to drive back to Durango to get to Montrose. However, Siri offered an alternate route via Hwy 145 (San Juan Skyway). Siri got this one right this time. This was an absolutely wonderous drive through colorful valleys, skirting Lizard Head Creek part of the way, and climbing to Telluride ski area. This was one of the top three scenic drives on this journey.
We stopped at the base of San Juan Mountains to have lunch. You couldn't ask for a more picturesque lunch spot. The mountains were edged with a lush dark green sash of healthy evergreens. A yellow meadow blanketed the foot of the mountains. The sky was a clear blue with puffy white clouds. A soft warm breeze moved the grasses ever so gently. We all wanted to linger just a bit longer.
We were reluctantly back on the road heading for Montrose. Time to refuel. Bob turned into a Phillips service station. The fueling bays were closer than expected to the building. Bob made a sharp turn into the fueling bay. After fueling, he began to pull out. When he look out to his left and saw that he was pretty close to the Guard Pipe, he slowed...too late. He caught the tail side light on the bar and was damned if he went forward or backwards. I got out to assess the situation and tried to provide hand signals and verbal ques to get him uncaught. We weren't communicating very well. I called Barb over to help. This was like Dweedle Dee and Dum trying to help the Mad Hatter. Finally, going inch by inch, we got Bob uncaught. Oh but, wait? Where is the gas cap? I grabbed the gas cap and was putting it on, when Bob decided to back up for whatever reason. Luckily, I still have all my toes. This was a TRIPLE FUBAR for Bob. I always buy a Christmas tree ornament as a remembrance of our trips. I am saving the broken tail light...that will be our ornament for this trip.
We arrived at the Montrose/Black Canyon KOA after the office closed, but they had our paperwork taped to the door. It was the easiest check in ever. We all settled in and took the time to relax with a book or catch up with the news. Afterwards, we enjoyed a game of cards and a wonderful tri-tip dinner compliments of the Skinners.
Tomorrow, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park before driving to Moab UT
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