We all seem to be bad at typing you messages and getting the spelling correct. Back from our skiing oliday now- but oday is Grandma Fox's funeral so we are all at sxes and sevens.
Enjoy Thailand- looking forward to you comin g home. Take Care
Love Mum and Dad
Grandma C
Hello C and P
Just got round to reading your latest blog - don't know how I have missed it all week - I have spent my time looking for photos. I'm looking forward to your homecoming now, so am wishing the days away. Enjoy Thailand. love - randma C
Grandma C
Hello C and P
Just got round to reading your latest blog - don't know how I have missed it all week - I have spent my time looking for photos. I'm looking forward to your homecoming now, so am wishing the ays away. Enjoy Thailand. love - randma C
Rosemary And Nigel
Glad Malaysia met up to your expectations. I wonder whether Thailand will be significantly different! Dont know if you'll go near where Judith was for her 3 months volunteering. Andrew's finance Jaime lives to the east of Bangkok but I guess you wont wish to meet up with her as you havent met her before over here in UK. Can probably get the contact details if you want to pursue it. No major news from us but have booked a weekend break in Norwich from 23rd Jan and an 8 day holiday in Syria (again principally to see their roman and greek remains) from 10th March
Love R and N
Clare And Pete
Hello C&P
Just checking my emails and your blog- no new messagesso you must be very busy.
David is going home to England today but we are staying on for another week. We could do with some more snow but at least the sun is shining.
Will check your site later in the week.
Love Mum and Dad
Clare And Pete
Dear C&P
How is Malaysia going? Bet it is alot warmer than here!! The snow is good but we are taking it easy. Michelle who is staying here has already hurt her leg- it has not snapped the ligament but she has a brace on and can't ski or do exercise for a month.
Keep the blogs coming- not long to go now before your travels come to an end.
Looking forward to seeing you.
Lots of Love
Mum and Dad
Sue & Paul
Hi Cat & Phil
Ooops just had to print off two blogs have got behind with them they're coming through thick and fast now and I don't want to miss anything!
Enjoy Singapore it sounds amazing! Make the most of your last few weeks.
lots of love AC & PP xx
Clare And \pete
Dear C&P
Using giles computer to check my emails.Glad you enjoyed Singapore- Snow good here and we are expecting some more to fall tonight. David likes his Christmas skis- they seem to go fast. david says hello and has now gone back down to the Monkey Bar to play on the Wii. Having tea and cakes then out for a walk around Montalbert just to see if anything has changed from last year.
Enjoy your last few weeks travelling.
Mum, Dad and David
Rosemary And Nigel
Singapore sounds fascinating but we hope Malaysia is even better. Granma Edna enthused when she went to Kuala Lumpur 20 years ago!
Nothing exiting occuring at our end - jobs as normal. Jude and Bernie went to Philippa Rice's wedding yesterday outside Preston - your child sweetheart no longer available Phil!!
Much Love
Mum and Dad
Rosemary And Nigel
Singapore sounds fascinating but we hope Malaysia is even better. Granma Edna enthused when she went to Kuala Lumpur 20 years ago!
Nothing exiting occuring at our end - jobs as normal. Jude and Bernie went to Philippa Rice's wedding yesterday outside Preston - your child sweetheart no longer available Phil!!
Much Love
Mum and Dad
Clare And Pete
Dear C&P
Just a quick message before I go ad pack for our hols- you know how much I hate packing!!
Don't know how you have coped for 5 months. The trick is staying under the weight limit of the airline- skiboots don't help.
Hope you enjoy your last leg of your epic journay and we are looking forward to you both coming home.(I know it won't be a long stay!)
Take are
Love Mum and Dadxxxxxxxx
Happy new year guys!
Hope you've enjoyed your last few days in Oz and are ready for Asia.
I'll be at home the weekend you get back so hope to see you in Brum xx