Hi Everyone
Have arrived safe and sound in Tanzania. Got here on Friday after a very long flight from Heathrow - when I got to the airport I found out that we were stopping off in Rome to collect more passengers, then had to change planes in Ethiopia, then stopped in Nairobi to pick up more passengers, and eventually got to Kilimanjaro airport 15 hours later! Was quite cool going to more countries than I expected, and the change at Ethiopia wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be. Everything was written in English (although I had refused to believe that it would be before I left!).
Have been in Tanzania for 3 days now, although it feels like ages! I am absolutly loving it so far, and Tanzania is so pretty. I was really lucky and could see Kilimanjaro from the volunteer house on the first day. Have met all the other volunteers in the house and we had our official orientation today and found out what projects we'll be doing etc. I'm in a secondary school and apparently they want the volunteers to teach French too, so we'll see how that goes! The volunteer house is really nice, it actually has running water and electricity! The town is also not as remote as I thought it would be and seems to be more westernised that I imagines. As I arrived on Friday the 'old' volunteers showed me round the town and we went for dinner on Friday eve, then went to Arusha on Saturday (the next town along) to go to a Massai market. I had my first experience on a Dala Dala on Saturday, which wasn't as bad as the stories I've heard, the bus fille dup quite quickly so we didn't have to wait around all day to set off for Arusha, and I didn't notice TOO many of the bumps in the roads! The security men at the volunteer house are members of the Massai who are employed by art in tanzania (the company I'm volunteering for), and so they came with us to Arusha and took us to the market. It was quite nice to have people wit us who could speak swahili with us, but we got quite a lot of funny looks from the locals m- I suppose it's not every day that you see a group of westerners walking around with members of the Massai.
Hope everyone is well and I'll write more later in the week when I have been into school and started the project. Im really looking forwrd to starting tomorrow, but have absolutly no idea what to expect!
Speak to everyone soon
Love Cat xxxxxxx
- comments
Ceylan Dear Richa,I am glad to have received a dceent comment this time. For last two days I received at least two comments on this post and on my Flickr ID which seemed to suggest that I hold a grudge against Silicon India or that your rivals planted the stories by paying me (one of them published above). Hell they don't know that I have no such affiliations.Do you really want to know what's the problem with Silicon India really? They are spamming like hell. I receive at least 2-3 mails every week from them, though I never ever registered there or visited the site. I tried clicking that un-subscription link several times but to no avail. In fact I have noted that most of the social networking sites are using the unsubscribe option to ascertain the validity of mail IDs. The more I click on such links the more spam I get. The mails from Silicon India come every time from different mail ids, each time accompanied with photos of good looking girls, obviously fictitious profiles created on the site. How am I wrong to read this as enticing , do enlighten me.I have been opposing plagiarism and spamming from start ups like yours for many years now, do browse through my blog to know more about this, and I will continue to expose such companies lest they realize and mend their ways.I hope that Silicon India's PR, instead of trying to settle account it with me using indecent comments and accusing me in turn, would take this as a constructive criticism and take necessary actions to prevent spamming.