Today we had another day of looking around London, we went to Buckingham palace for the changing of the guards we didn't get to see a lot, also in green park there was celebrations going on for the queens husband birthday (he is still in hospital from stomach surgery and having a mental blank on this name ),in the celebration there was lots of horses running around and they set off lots of cannon ball guns it was very loud and would seem scary if you didn't know what it was as it sounded like a bomb going off. We were in a good position so we could see the celebration and Buckingham palace. We overhead from a tour that if the Union Jack is flying above Buckingham palace the queen was not home but if her flag with the royal flag which is yellow is flying she is home. The Union Jack was flying so she was not home and she would be at Windsor castle as she only comes to Buckingham palace to do Queen duties. We then went to covent gardens we got of the tube aka train and wondered why every one was taking the lift, so we decided to take the stairs196 of them it did say only use for emergency use, thank god we made it and we weren't the only silly ones that took them the others were tourist also.
After we caught our breathe we had a look around watched a few street performers who were pretty funny then wandered the streets and then took the the tube to oxford circus again alot of shops and Hammley's a 6 story toy shop which had lots of fun toys to play with and Lego prince William princess Kate and a few other I got a nice photo with them to go with the one of me meeting the queen hehe. We then went and sat at the park with some beers and our 2 macaroons( fancy biscuit I think ) we had bought, we hadnt tried them before and they were delicious. We sat at the park for a while until it got too cold ( the whole day has been overcast and cold) we headed back to the tube via Clarence House where Prince Charles lives and we found soldiers guarding out side they were just changing guards when we got there we took some photos they looked a but scary we didn't want to get to close but we did and got a photo. We had a quiet night in, we found the tv room in hostel so stayed in there for a while.
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