Quick update all about the festive season before I completely forget what i did! The last week in Sydney has been totally jampacked - been really fun but a strange christmas!! Spent the last week catching up with some old buddies we've met along the way and plentiful nights out in the city! Sydney is soo much fun although we are spending tremendous amounts of pennies - but all excusable since it was Christmas after all!
Christmas Eve was fun - and you'll all be pleased to know that we had a whole day of thunderstorms! How depressing!!!! So our hostels Christmas BBQ was rained off but we nevertheless relocated inside armed with pimms, gin, vodka and anything else we could class as a Christmas Drink. The BBQ was a bit dull as everyone was crammed inside, but Anna and our 2 roomies - from Derbyshire, headed into town about 6pm to meet some more people. Spent the evening in Side Bar getting merry and dancing to christmas songs! By the time midnight came we had been drinking for 9 hours and was defaintely ready for bed - must be my old age!!!!
Christmas Day morning was spent in bed with the 4 of us winding ourselves up with tales of Christmas dinners, presents, stockings and fry ups - all the things we we're missing out on! After getting over the initial pantness we headed out into Bondi (where weve been staying for the last week) and went for a nice lunch on the seafront - we even had turkey! And it was sunshine galore - hooray! Spent the afternoon with our buddies all donning santa hats and bikins (not the boys tho!) and laughing at the general weirdness of everything. Seeing Santa in a speedboat was funny - even the police horses had reindeer ears on them! Spent the evening gossiping in a cafe in Central Sydney - laughing at all the horrendously drunk people. Everywhere was sooo busy - very weird!
After the whole Christmas thing was over we got back to being normal backpackers and we're enjoying the sights and sunshine. Had sinsistus now for 3 days which has sucked but got some medicine now so hopefully will be back in tiptop form for New Years. Havent done much for the last few days - slept and been to the beach. Ventured out shopping this afternoon - bit of retail thereapy always helps!
Anyways, gotta go theres a giant sale on in a shoe shop with my name on!
C xxx
PS thanks for all the Christmas Emails/Texts/messages - they made us feel slightly more festive!
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