Well I've escaped bangkok via train, had to get up at 5.30am this morning to get a taxi to station which took me to the wrong station, then a rip-off tuk tuk to get me to the right one in time... SO i'm now relaxing in Kanchanaburi, which is lovely, the guesthouse is very pretty and theres trees and grass and nice wooden benches, ill put the photo up after ive written the blog (i finally have hi-speed internet!). I can feel my lungs recovering with this cleaner air and you can wander the roads in relative safety bar the bike tuk tuks and mopeds.. I strolled down to the food market earlier and it was amazing, ive never seen so much fresh food, mostly fish, spices along with bananas and pineapples. So tomorrow I'm booked on a full day thai cooking course and will get the ingredients from the market in the morning. This evening i'm going to sit on a raft on the river and watch a annual festival to commemorate the war which is a show on the bridge over the river kwai. I'm really enjoying it here, i'm staying in my own room and i'm glad of the space to myself and i think i'll stay here afew nights then maybe move on to a hostel here or head north abit. THe tours i was hoping on doing arent running very much because theyre arent any tourists because of all the airport drama, which is a shame. I've started sending postcards out, got another one to post later as well so i dont know how long they'll take to arrive, but some are on their way!
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