This is our final update from Asia!
We are back in Bangkok for a final 2 nights before we fly out 2moro night for Sydney to meet Risha (and leave Jess temporarily). However our last couple of days here have definately been a highlight for us all...
We left on a 3 day 2 night tour where we did some educational and cultural learning about thailands involvment in WWII and saw the Death Railway and went on the train that killed so many to build. very interesting but also extremely sad to read all the stories. From there we were taken for lunch on the floating houses that would be our accommodation for two nights. literally plank of wood on floats on the edge of a fast flowing river, which was also home to river snakes, frogs, blue lizards and LOTS of mozzys. a bit scary when climbing aboard across a bridge with holes in and going to sleep being able to see the river flowing past through the floor below... but nothing broke while we were there so it was all good!!
in the afternoon we went to Tiger Temple where we saw lots of lovely tigers but they were all tied up so we were a bit sorry for them, even though they seemed happy enough and we could even touch them and got some lovely photos. On the second day we went to the seven waterfalls which was really high to hike to the top so it was great to be able to stop along the way and swim in the pools, despite the many fish which seemed to be similar to the feet cleaning fish as they all wanted to eat us if we stayed still too long. great fun though and sooo pretty (less fun however when jo managed to get a rash on her bum/leg where she sat on something that didnt agree with her, getting better now though, no panics). We also got to explore a cave full of bats and interesting storys and evil tour guides who made us jump by hidiing around corners.
On the final day (relief from most, but esp Jess to be leaving the friendly frogs behind) we packed up and went to bathe the elephants! it was amazing!! the first few mins were a little scary climbing up and being plodded down to the river, but the guides stayed on with us and encouraged the elephants to play in the water...Will and Jess's especially seemed to enjoy shaking them off his neck and dumping them in the water. Mine was a lot ore fiendly only dumping me in once and Ted's 80 year old one didnt dump him in at all, though he still got very wet. So much fun and even better as the elephants seemed to enjoy it all too. From there we dried off on a walk with them picking up a mother and 4 month old baby as we went along, very cute. we had great fun feeding them as a reward when we got back esp as the baby couldnt yet use his truck so we had to peel his bananas and feed him in small pieces.
After our dunking we got a ride back to the floating restaurant on a bamboo raft where most of us jumped off and swam along side, jess managed to get a ring and floated along in the current, a lovely way to relax....just needed a cocktail to make it perfect.
So we are finally back in Bangkok and jetting off 2moro!! Next entry from Australia!!
lots of love and keep the msgs coming, we do enjoy getting them :D
Ted, Will, Jess and Jo
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