Hello from Franz Josef!!
Well the past week has just gone so quickly!! We have done so much since the last blog so I will try and give you a run down on it all!
Today has been one of the best days so far for all of us, we have also survived to tell the tall as well which is always good. We left the accommodation early to climb franz josef glacier. We booked on to a full day walk and after getting kitted out in walking/waterproof attire we headed off on our hike. It was a 9 hour walk so we were stocked up with food and plenty of sweets which were for sugar (a good excuse we thought to get them!). We have loads of pictures but they don't show how amazing it was, not only the views but the chance to walk through the ice, slide down tunnels and pull ourself up sides of the glacier. You'll be all impressed and surprised that we didn't fall over....apart from me (will) as I managed to fall over once but did do it in style, managing to get my clampons stuck together for a moment and roll down , luckily not causing a iceslide!! We are all quite tired now but are going out to treat ourselves to a nice meal and maybe even pudding!!
Back in Waitomo we went glow worm caving, all in very tight wetsuits and rubber rings we made our way through the under ground cave formations, following the glow woms above us to guide us through!
We then had a few days in Wellington which is a really nice city and had lots of free activities which was good for the budget! Me Jo and Ted also managed to make our way through a 3 litre wine box which we thought was quite a feat!!
Crossing over to the south islland marked the start of a new adventure, starting at Nelson where we climbed to the central point of NZ and then treated ourselves to Starbucks!! (GUess who found that!!)
Got to go now and find some food!! Me and ted are starving!!!
Hope everyone is well at home
Love from Jo, Ted, Risha and Will :)Xxxxxxx
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