I really enjoyed reading your latest blog and looking at the pictures especially the ones of that cute, tubby, hairy- faced little creature. Your'e very photogenic Rik! Well the Davies family have been off on their travels too. We explored deep into the Welsh rainforests;Dad in search of Ladyboys although he said he was looking for ladybirds! We ventured as far as darkest Aberystwyth. The surf was up and Martha kept running up and down the beach shouting "there's another one coming in." Ceinwen had some tiny ducklings in a box by the Aga. Rhys was terrified, Martha was bolder and wanted to know their names and Olwen thought they were for dinner- seriously! Its freezing cold back here. I bet you can't wait to come home- we can't wait to see you! Give me a call when you land. Lots of Lovexxxx
good evening! just wanted to drop a quick line before i retire - and to reassure you that i'm still reading all about your exploits! all is well here, and as you say 'no news is good news', i have nothing exciting to tell! iona has another tooth and by the colour of her (facial) cheeks there are more on the way! who needs to sleep anyway - i'm sure its over-rated! work is still going well. no sign of the highways man yet - maybe he's 'standing and delivering' somewhere! looking forward to our camping trip - bet you're weeing yourself just thinking of exotic keswick! oh the mint cake eh?! take care of each other, enjoy every last minute of your last leg xoxoxo
The Gubu
Hello, It was wonderful to log on and find the update, and ofcourse the lovely photos. I've been wondering how things have been going?(No news is good news)Hmmm , i never was too sure about that one! I am so looking forward to seeing you, even though I know it may be quite some time before I do..........David is just back from Geneva. I got a message telling me he was to be a day late getting back to Scotland as his plane had broken.EH would that be the wings, wheels, tail,WHAT?......The weather was beautiful again today. I was lying on Kinnoull hill among swathes of our native short stemmed daffodils, watching two buzzards swooping across the sky. The sun was shining and the bears were by my side,i thought how idyllic!......This may sound as if i'm waxing lyrical, but actually I was recovering from an earlier shock...........Whilst walking, I happened upon a notice advertising an open day on the hill......It read, Lots of activities to be enjoyed! One could be picked up in a vintage bus and participate in wood carving, archery, guided walks and dogging! EH?! If only you hadn't explained this word to me Richard, I'd have been fine. To add to the confusion, horses seemed to be involved somehow! However, after much peering and bumping of gums, I find that the word is indeed,LOGGING! Nevertheless the damage was done, and i was in need of a lie down. ........I feel that same need creeping up now, and so with my dearest love, I will wish you a safe and happy homecoming! Enjoy every last moment of this (your special journey). xxx
Wow all sounds amazing and the photos look fab. Bringing back lots of happy memories of my time in Thailand. I need to get away again.........
Hope you are enjoying your time with Scott and Morna. Relax and enjoy. Luv A x
how do?
thought ya had indeed got lost in asia... good to read all is still fun fun fun... you must be headin home soon... have a safe trip back and i'll see ya in the pub monday hopefully
Oh Dear. It's 0246 am, i'm at work and it's bloody cold! This is the first time i've logged on to this and all i'm doing is thinking of my travels round Africa. I WANT SELL EVERYTHING AND GO TRAVEL FOREVER. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!! Great stories and photo, shame Anna didn't write about the mountain bike one though. Rik would find the hills in Holland too steep :) Love to you both, hope the fact i'm at work brings a smile to your faces. ENJOY! PS, ten quid says Rik weighs twice as much as Anna when you return................BUDDA!
Ginge where are you ???? if I do not hear from you by return I shall panic and start spending madly on your visa ( so sure UK GP's would put it down to stress and I would only get 2.5 hrs community service and you would have to work for the next 47 yrs to pay back visa) .Warn Plod that I am also his guardian and if I start to read boring blogs I shall know you have both been kidnapped and be forced to start a John McCarthy type campaign and have to fly out and rescue you both………um this is starting to sound good …….I would soon wean you off that liptons tea rubbish and the rest of your trip would be a blur of madness……….your choice!!!Missing you massive . Your very sensible amigo LBLxxxxxxxx
Hi Rik and Anna,
I have been hearing all about your exploits from your mumma or should I say the gubu, (may she never know the truth ha ha ). So I thought I better check your adventures out for myself. Real impressed with all your pictures and stories, it looks like you are are having a fantastic time. I especially liked the story about the diving boat. Anyway just thought I would stop by and say hello, feast on every new experience and remember thus is a trip of a lifetime what stories you will have to tell over and over when you come home. enjoy the rest of it as if it is your first day and i look forward to check in on your next report. all the best for now Mand xx ps looking good Richard especially like the grizzly adams gone wild beard
Dickey Mint
O'right there our kids? Take no notice of the pretentious ramblings of the Toffee Lady. Worra load of Callard and Bowsers! Talk about a polyglot. One glimpse of a gondoleiri and she can't tell her donnas from a doner. Anyhow a trip up the front garden steps- yes all two of them -soon brought her back down to earth. Tharr'll learn her not to put Valpollicella on her coco pops even if the Hibernians put whisky in their porridge. Just as well she hadn't decided to go the whole hog and the follow 'Heiland' custom regarding undergarments and the wearing of billowing skirts. Not much news on the home front except that Mick went to Skeggy and met the same delivery man at the local Costcutter he had dealings with at our Spar the week before. Pity, the poor bloke had gone to such trouble to get a transfer and move his wife and kids over too! Anyhow it was such a good story that we asked him to tell you all about it when you next have a few days to spare. Well look after yourselves. Lets hear some more news. lots of lovexxx
La Dona Dolce Evertonia
Buon Giorno Bambinos! I'm glad all is going well. Sorry to hear about the sunburn. You won't be told, but then I suppose. that you wanted to prove that Rik didn't miss the plane after all and that you are not really holed up in a Travelodge near Milton Keynes, taking photos of each other in front of some old travel posters. Wev'e just got back from our trip to Venice. Very wonderful. I came home two handbags richer and Dad can now tell the difference between Early Renaissance and Baroque (very useful when he looks in his wardrobe!) Our poor little Euro didn't stretch very far so no Gondolas for us! Well it won't be too long now until we see you (we hope!) Take care. Arrivederci xxx
The Gubu
having spent a troubled night re: sunburn/idiots, I felt it was my duty to impart some pearls of wisdom for you, but alas I fear I may be too late however there will be other pitfalls which they may well save you from. These were taught to me some years ago and have held me in good stead. The first and most vital one is as follows....... Never feed a penguin on a ham sandwich when you have the cold. 2nd Never put on your wellies with a shoe horn on a Tuesday. 3rd Always be sure when holding a cup with the right hand to drink from the nearest edge except on every other Friday. I think that's enough knowledge for you to absorb in one lesson, but I as your Gubu/Guru invite your friends (if they have any gems of knowledge) to pass them on to you in the interest of your survival.xxx
The Gubu
sun burn?DAH! of all, or any concerns i may have had, strangely enough sunburn wasn't one of them.! To come back after such a holiday, flakey, peeling and itchy is most uncool! So the last leg of the trip is nigh .I expect it's met with mixed feelings.....Not much on the newsie front here. Weather beautiful, if you don't count the daily heavy showers, but then it is april. Had a bet on one of uncle Geoff's horses today but to no avail, it was third, good,but no coconut. Grandad is going to the semi finals next week at Hampden Park. He is to travel in the players bus with Geoff and is looking forward to it. He sends his love ofcourse, as do many! Sorry I can't think of anything funny to share with you right now. I asked Karen if she could think of anything?......she said to tell you that i had got thin!....I wanted funny, not UNBELIEVABLE!!.....When funny haappens, i'll let you know!....Take care,and always remember, It.ll be all right in the end!...If it's not alright ,it's