Caroline's World Tour
We made it to Cairns! Final destination on this leg of the trip! And as if to give us something to remember them by, Greyhound decided to present us with a shocker of a last bus journey. The bus was an hour late leaving Townsville, and broke down about half an hour later, leaving us waiting yet another hour for a replacement....lovely. We couldn't fault the Greyhound all the way to Brisbane, but its been disastrous ever since!
But anyway, we made it and thats what matters. Since I last updated, we've been on Magnetic Island. This is a gorgeous little island about 8km off the coast from Townsville, famed for its pretty sandy bays all around the edge. Its not the liveliest of places - the main attractions are bush walking (which we decided against) and swimming/snorkelling/sunbathing on the beaches (which of course, we dedicated ourselves to!). We spent Friday afternoon on the beach and by the pool in Horseshoe Bay, where we were staying. It was absolutely boiling when the sun was beating down, although it did turn a bit chillier when it clouded over! We did consider a bush walk, but given the options we decided to go back to the pool and hope the sun came out again! Luckily for us it did!
In the evening, we were sat watching a beautiful sunset when we were approached by a couple of local lads, asking if they could join us. Despite the fact that every time this happens, the men in question are absolute weirdos, we still said yes! And this time it was ok, they turned out to be nice guys (if slightly inebriated). One of them told us he was going reef fishing the next day, and invited us to join him for a BBQ with what they caught the following evening - this we did not do! But the other, Nathan, offered to give us a quick tour of the island, including showing us the best snorkelling spot, so we decided to take him up on the offer (I know, getting in cars with strange men is a bad idea, but he seemed pretty genuine!). I don't think he really appreciated it when we woke him up from a shocking hangover to see if the offer still stood, but to his credit he still came! He took us to Arthur Bay for snorkelling, which was pretty good, though not as clear as Byron. I think we were both glad he was there - heading for the open water without a guide is a bit scary for us! And despite being promised that stinger season was over, I still lost my nerve a bit when I managed to collide with a jellyfish - Sarah saw it and scarpered but I never did until my hand made contact with it! It was the most disgustingly squadgy thing I have ever had the misfortune to touch, and I rather went off the snorkelling after that! And to be fair, the tour of the island only took about 10 minutes after that, so we were back by the pool by lunchtime!
So that was yesterday, we left Magnetic Island at 9am this morning, and what with the bus to the ferry, ferry to the mainland and then disastrous bus journey, we didn't arrive in Cairns until 7pm! But we've already managed to book ourselves onto a reef tour with introductory dive, so we're quite excited! I think there's quite a lot to do up here so no doubt I will have a lot to report in the next few days......!
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