Today was my first day off and i was very excited, today would be the first time id ever snowboard and also the first time id tried all my gear. I got up at 7:30 and caught he first gondalla to the top of the mountain. I would normally use this to get to work but as staff i could use it to be first on the piste. Today was a windy day and the gondolla rocked as it accended. i though nothing of it at this point.I reached the top and looked for a place to get on my board. this was difficult as id never done it before on snow and it kept wanting to take off down the mountain when i had one boot in. i got the hang of it later but resorted to holding on to a railing the first time.
Now was the hard bit and the thing tht would be most difficult for me today...getting up. I sat and watched others do it for 10 mins befoe i tried and as soon as i tried i was on the move so i paniced and ended on my ass again having moved only a few inches. this took some time and i managed ater several attempts to stand upright. It occured to me at this point i had no idea where to go as i diddint want to end up shootting down a black run. so i unclipped and went hunting for the map.
The map showed near me a beginners run that went from the top to the bottom pf the mountian. this seemed like a great idea. sadly it was shut. i dont know why but as i approched the start a japanese lift operator turned me away...b*****. i went back to the map. There was a small green run near here that merged into an intemediate. i deciced to do this over and over until i felt i was ready to do more. so again i strapped myself to my board. standing there the lip of the run about 20 feet from me i had to figure how to move. i wiggled i litte and the board started to move. at this point it seemed like it was fast. to everyone else i doubt they had noticed id moved at all. i was on my ass again. and again stuggling to get up. falling on my knees and butt for the next 5 mins till i was upright again. i knew pointing my toes up would slow my desent so i tried finding the right balance. it was difficult and once id made it to the start of the incline i had a little momentum and spent a great deal of time on my back. the run consisted of a declining hill a plateux and another hill. it takes the ski lift 7 minutes to get from the bottom to the top it took me 45 to get to the lift. i fell over constanty and was chuffed at any moment of control. but getting up on a hill was difficult as as soon as there was weight on the board i started to move. this ment that when i liffed my ass in the air in a attempt to stand the board moved down hill and i followed i boarded on all fours for about 15 meters at one point with my arms behind me. i finally got to the plateux and managed to get on my feet. i managed to contol my slow decent on this relitivly flat part and still fell down loads. as i said after 45 mins i got the the ski lift exahsted. i unhooked one boot and like everyone else on a board pushed my self along to the gate of the ski lift. this would be my first ski lift. a metal chair danglng on a rope. i got a good grip. half way up a gale force wind kicked in and the lift was stopped. me 20 feet in the air blinded by the blizzard an this crappy chair swinging side to side. i will asdmit...i was not happy. i finally reached the top and headed to the cafe for a drink and a rest. 15 mins later was attempt 2. this was a litle better i stil fell over loads but had control more often i reached the bottom in about 20 mins. but they had shut the lifts due to the wind. so i was stuck here unless i fancied braving an intermidiate slope.
i didnt and sat in the cafe waiting. as i waited the wind buffetted the window and at one poitnt the was a snow tornado half way up the slope. it wasnt large but funneled up into the clouds. when the lifts were up and running again got backo n and up to my cafe were i went to the cafetiera for lunch. it was about 11 and i ate and headed out again. i decied 2 o'clock would be my limit and thought id get in 2 maybe 3 runs beofre time. in fact i got in 6. as i tried over and over i found more control.and speed. i also got the hang of getting back up. i could do the whole run with both feet facing forward and started to traverse the slope from side to side at about 45 degrees . as i continued i managed to actually do some of the run facing correctly but slowing my decent. on my last run i managd to do it in about 2 or 3 minutes and only fall down once...although with my new found speed it was a more impressive tumble rather than land on my ass the front end of the board dug into the powder and flipped me. Jitsu rolls work on snow i laughed it off and was unscathed. now knackered and quite happy with my self i made the trip home and have spent a long time soaking in the bath. Late i was showing my route to a work collegue at it appears i had been doing a level 2 run not a beginner. that me my day. i will sleep well tonight.
- comments
Ian Well done, that man! You'll be boarding like a pro before you know it... Merry Christmas, Ian.