Im currently sitting in a Dubai departure lounge waiting for my connecting flight to Osaka. So far its been great. other than some waiting around the Flight was comfy and i had a centre row of 4 seats to my self. i ate yummy chicken and watched 3 films (Terminator 4, fast and furious and street fighter) I had a look around the dubai departure lounge and was amazied not only is it something like half a mile long the shops are in a different league. In birmingham we had a WHsmith, a dixons and boots and here its Dior, cartier, armarni. theres even a little forest down one end with a stream and coi karp and the celing is 30 foot above me. Very cool.
Only one flight to go and i might sleep on this one though im pretty excited and might not be able too. il let you all know when i land.
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