In Redhill parked beside a railway line. Hope there are not too many trains in the night. Had a great camp last night with a campfire. At midnight the wind changed and the fire started up again. Brad said he pissed on it and put 2 bottles of water to put it out. OOPPs so i had to get up and douse it as I thought the embers might blow into the forest next door and create a bush fire. We saw a burnt out caravan the day before( with police aware notice on it) in a lonely campsite so i was a little worried by it all.
Had our first rain today for 3 months just coming into Pt Augusta. I thought it would all be gone by now. Was hoping to slide into nice weather.
Sad to been nearly home but looking forward to getting back into our own big bed tomorrow night and having 30 minute shower where you can wave your arms around without banging the elbows. I love our van but after 3 months it is getting very very small.
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