The start of our much anticipated trip!
It began with the run-of-the-mill jaunt from New Hazelton, BC to Vancouver, BC. We had our lovely car, TES, to thank for our trip down.
Upon arrival to YVR, we found ourselves to be incredibly TIRED. We parked in the long-term lot, gathered our backpacks, chargers, hoodies, and set off for the airport via shuttle. Excitement builds!!
There were no photos taken in or around the airport - we were too tired, a bit cranky and anxious about checking in.
Silly us! Check in was pretty much a breeze. Security was not fun though, and there was this "seasoned traveler" girl behind us that we tried (and tried) to let go ahead of us. She insisted we go first and said "well, you'll just keep telling people to go ahead of you" (The American, thinking us Canadians were being too polite). Ack! Of course, with the boys, we fumbled around with our shoes, coins and the security bins. She assumed it was our first time at the rodeo and proceeded to giving us tips. Haha, oh well, she had good intentions.
We successfully boarded and looked forward to pop* and pretzels to sustain us until our decent into Los Angeles. *Beforehand, we loaded up on water to combat ear-popping!
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