Our third trip was to Camp Rudolph, adjacent to Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana. We took two of our granddaughters and one honorary granddaughter with us. Riley is the youngest and just got a new sister two weeks ago, so this was a chance for her to be 'the big cheese.' We arrived on Thursday and were assigned to a regular site...things came together pretty easily, especially the awning. The day had started out badly...a migrane headache...but Ashley came to the rescue.
Friday was our day at Holiday World. Glitch #1...the water shut off. Randy was, once again, ready to set the camper on fire or sell it. Being the Type A personality person I am, I wasn't going to be satisifed until I found out the problem....the two types do not mix, so I sent Randy to the park with the kids and figured out (with advice from my friend, PHil) that the water pressure regulator had broken. On the outside chance that it wasn't the regulator, I filled the fresh water tank with water and while it filled (takes a while to do that) I filled a cooler with water and washed the dishes. Adapt and overcome...kind of fun. Of course they had none at the campstore so I hiked to the hardware store. Problem solved.
The day at the park was HOT...Thursday was also very hot, but later that evening it actually cooled off. Shower houses were nice. Swam with Riley after supper, which was coldcuts. We had a campfire and Randy and Ashley fought about how to roast marshmallows.
Saturday morning we moved campsites...this one was nicer. #2 under the bathroom sink leaks; we will need to replace it. This one was more level and much larger. We also reserved a golf cart to ride around on, which was a blast. Karla, Ken, and the kids showed up at noon with pizza and we hit the pool for part of the afternoon...I couldn't 'hang' due to the intensity of the sun. We had a pitch-in and enjoyed some wine and cocktails. Ashley's dog managed to chew through her leash and endeared herself to all of us...Randy must have slipped that poor dog more food. Speaking of food, the ice cream was pretty good and we shared a cone around another fire.
Sunday morning, I got up early and began tearing down the campsite. I finally got on the wireless website and when I got up from the picnic table and tripped over a tree root and skinned up my legs, arms, and strained my wrist and ankle. Glitch of the valves got closed for the sewer tank (for some reason, we have two valves) and the toilet overflowed. Talk about a mess!!! Had to do some serious cleaning including using the carpet cleaner.
Riley did really well on this trip...this was the longest she had ever been away from her mom, who I think did not do quite as well. Randy and Ash were too funny and even Mikayla, who is usually pretty reserved around us, got in on the act in teasing and giving Randy stuff. We learned some lessons: Keep an extra pressure regulator with you at all times; You can adapt to just about anything; Check the pipe fittings of your plumbing on a regular basis; and finally keep the passengar side valve open on the black tank ALWAYS!!!
Ready for our next trip to Michigan in two weeks!
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