After our tour around Europe, we had 10 days in London before returning home to New Zealand. We we were offered a room at our friends Karly and stu's house in Shepards bush as they were away sailing. Nicole and Angus were due to arrive in a couple of days and The Olympics were on so London town was getting extremely busy. We caught up with Kayla and Keiran for dinner our first night free and headed to the Aussie pub - the walkabout for a few drinks, also catching up with Hilary and Jo. The transport in London was horrible! Possibly the worst transport we had been on whilst travelling! I think the hardest part for William was having to duck every time we got on the tube because he was too tall!! We didn't manage to get tickets to any live games but there was a kiwi house setup for us to go watch and celebrate with all the other kiwis. They had kiwi beer and put on a fab BBQ daily. I met Mark Todd and the rest of the equestrian team as they were in showing off their bronze medals. That was pretty exciting. When Nicole and angus arrived we went to Hyde park to sit and watch some of the games. We were screened and checked for forbidden items on the way in. Very similar setup to the airport. Although this was just entry into a park!?! I got tickets to The lion king for all of us to go and see before we left. The show was so amazing. I am a big fan and was overly impressed with the show. There was so much detail in the costumes and it literally felt real. That was Definitely a London highlight! On our last day with Nicole and Angus we went to visit M&M world. It was Quirky and fun and as much as I wanted to buy souvenirs, we actually left the shop with nothing. By the time our last day in London came around we were actually excited about seeing everyone back at home but we were just dreading the 32 hours of travel that as ahead of us. After travelling for 7 Months and visiting 25 countries, we finally touched down in Auckland. We were home.
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