I'm still in Leh.....my flight got cancelled this mornin cos of the weather. Think its gonna be clearer tomorrow...
Hi Pete Hope you make the journey back by plane, those mountains can be hazardest.best to be safe.
Take Care Mum xxx
Wow what amazing adventure your having,great reading your blog amazing ,Glad your safe was worried about you up them mountains in the jeep.This has been a chance of a lfe time experiance you will never forget Pete.
Pete tried phoning you need your city area code. to talk to you.could you send by text for me.
Take Care keep safe Lots of love Mum xxx
Hey Pete
Sounds like your havin lots of fun! I'm sure the bus driver couldnt be worse then me though haha Take care, and as your mum said NO MORE ACCIDENTS!! ;)
Speak to ya when u get back from your treck
Luv vic xxx
Hi Pete I know your enjoying every minute,and photos are great,Please take extra care when your travelling in the jeep and make sure youve got your seat belt on, glad your ribs are getting better,Take care no more accidents.
Lots of love Mum xxx
hi pete
fantastic photos! i bet everyday is an advanture to you! sooooo jealous! will wait 4 photos of leh, sound like an amazing place.
take care ;)
Some great experiences, so glad for you. Lap it all up and watch how tame the UK is when you return. Love your pics!
Check out the videos as well...
Check out the videos as well...
Hi Pete Glad you decieded to rest this weekend as your ribs must be very painfull. what loverly pictures your taking it looks great especially were the monks are,I loved the photos of the children in your class and you made there paper hats they look so happy.
Pete this is an expereance you will never forget,a chance of a life time to experiance all the differant cultures and food. Take Care Lots Love Mumxxx
Those pics look amazing - it looks like you could point your camera in any direction in that place and get something interesting - try to get some pics of those temples with the intricate Karma Sutra sculptures or are they further inland?
remember to look where you're stepping next time and avoid underground cult temples with disused mine shafts - "you call him Dr Jones, Lady!"
PS get me a few linen shirts! - size 17inch collar - will give you the money if you want ;)
Hi Pete,
Glad you have recovered from your fall and no broken bones, Went to London Friday for Deal No Deal reunion till Sunday took Brenda And Glenis with me.Had a great time stayed at the holiday inn .On the Saturday went all around London we got lost on the underground but finally found our way back to the hotel it was in the docklands.Saturday night was meeting everyone ,and Alan who had orgainized it had book a disco for us and a loverly buffet,It was great to see everyone again there was some I hadnt seen before but they came after my show had been on.
David has soughted the vidio and I bought all blank vidios ready to record the shows Im on .Its going to be a shock seeing myself on TV.Will
close now Pete and you take extra Care NO MORE FALLS. Lots Love Mum xxx