hope you have a great christmas&new year in the sun dont worry about christmas trees & decorations if you miss them that much we will be quite happy to swop with you .anita brought abby to see us last week she is really growing she is quite a little character your mum says if they are all talking abby coughs to get their attention your dad is besotted with heryou would think nobody has been a grandad before.alan ralpfh and all his other friends hide in the pub when he gets out his baby pictures he has even missed going to the pup some fridays to babysit but the big test will come when they ask him to babysit instead of playing football .
The Millers without a win in 18 games and having just sacked their Manager have the good fortune to visit Valley Parade where Bradford with true festive spirit give away all three points. I just knew it would happen DOH!!!
Craig & Jill
Hi, we are flying to Rio today. The reason the map is showing us somewhere else is because we dont get there until saturday. We fly via Santiago in Chile. The flight doesnt leave here till tonight so we have decided to overnight in Santiago as our connection is 12 hrs later making it too long to travel in one day. we fly out of chile saturday afternoon an finally hit the beach......
Hope you are all excited for xmas, we are missing all the build up. Xmas trees just dont seem right out here!!
Hi you two
How bizarre to go on an international messageboard and find out some stocky goss! Congratulations to Leanne and Jon.
All looks amazing still...
Take care
Much love xxxx
Ben (At Work)
WOW !!!! Matchooo Pitchoooo looks amazing ! Though it has to be said that everyone in my office doesn't think it's real! I have the picture that you took (from the top looking down on the old ruins) and it looks like a model, perfect in evry way. We all think that the grass is a bit too green, almost illuminous are you sure you didn't take a photo of a model in the visitors centre !! Another thing I wondered was why don't people live up there? All you need to do is plonk a few roofs on and it would be perfectly habitable! I am glad you finally got up there, I was watching a programme on TV the other day with fellow Yorkshire explorer Michael Palin. He hiked all the way up to the top of Matchooooooooooooo Pitchooooooooooooo and when he got there it was that foggy / misty that he could't see a thing! So you have got one up on him (and he is a United supporter too). So where's next then Brazil ? Keep enjoying yourselves and be safe and wear your al paka hats with pride! Ben. (missing 9 ball pool nights!)
Mum & Dad
Congratulations on reaching the top.
Did you celebrate with a few extra cocoa leaves?
I don't believe it .........I just saw the World cup draw on TV. 15-Jun-06 Nuremberg England V Trinidad & Tobago my worst nightmare . I will definitely have to have my T -shirt made 50% England Supporter & 50% Trini Supporter. I feel sick as I can see T&T getting a whipping . I do hope Sven rest Ronney on that day as he has bigger and better matches to play otherwise I would not like to see the score (smile). That is like Chelsea V Sheff Wed or Rotherham.
Hope you 2 are alright. Talk later
Hi You Two
Just taking a break from revision to catch up on your exploits. Love the hats!!! Looks like Peru is wonderful - very jealous. Looking forwrd to more pictures and keeping fingers crossed for you. Lots of Love Emma xxx
Craig & Jill
Hope everyones getting ready for xmas. Just a quick note to say we are hopefully going to macchu pichu tomorrow, fingers crossed! At least the protest story made bbc world news. Update on our return with probably several hundred photos to bore you all with!
Alan /maureen
Hi now look im getting a bit fed up looking at all this SUN we had our first SNOW of the winter and its so cold been down to -6 sofar How about aswop or you go and find a cold country to visit Those sun beds looked a real disgrace KEEP HAVING FUN
Neptune, Hrh
Are you a Pollywog or a Shellback OR even better a Golden Shellback?
Have you visited my court to be initiated?
Of course airline travellers differ from old Jack Tars! When Jack Tars cross the equator for the first time they are welcomed to the court of King Neptune who complete with trident initiates you by virtue of his ancient rite to become a true sailor. Instead of being a lowly Pollywog you become a Shellback! There I have shot myself in the foot!!!!!!!! Anyway stories are legion recording this ceremony.
Then there is the highr acolade - a Golden Shellback! To become a Golden Shellback one has to be "DATED" and cross zeor longitude after having of course past zero latitude! Yes! "It's Just Like Passing GO"
You lucky air travellers - you do not know what you have been missing out on!
Now I am off to the deep - see you from forty fathoms.
Happy Birthday Jill for yesterday. Hope you had a fantastic day, sounds like you are having a great time relaxing in Mexico. We are off to New York next week for our annual shopping trip - there won't be as many pictures as when you were there.
Take care and enjoy. Looking forward to the next installment of the Burns tour!