BING...probably the first time in my life I was excited to be woken up by my alarm at 06.00...I was travelling home! I grabbed my things and went down to reception where the mini bus I had pre-arranged was waiting for me to take me to the airport. Bangkok airport is insane, so much hussle and bussle. It took me ages to find Emirates, but when I eventually saw the sign I couldn't wait to get rid of my things and get into departures. I checked in my luggage for the last time and made my way through security and into the departures lounge which was massive! I FaceTimed mum for the last time before she headed to bed, it was weird to think the next time I would be speaking to her would be face to face, I couldn't wait!
Once they opened the gate for the Emirates flight to Dubai I made my way over as the gate was a 15 minute walk. I asked some guy to take a picture of me with the plane taking me to Dubai in the background, I wanted to capture this important moment. I have to say, for someone who hates flying, I felt lucky to be flying in luxury for the next 20 hours, I was so glad I had booked with Emirates. The flight to Dubai wasn't too bumpy, although there was one moment where I thought I was going to die and just wanted to have my feet firmly on the ground not 30,000 feet in the air. I felt sorry for the guy sitting next to me, but I had pre-warned him before leaving what I was like with flying, so I felt he was prepared! The food and entertainment as per usual were amazing so that got me through. I managed to watch 2 films in that time, and utterly stuff my face.
We landed in Dubai to gorgeous sunshine, I wouldn't have expected anything less in all honesty. My change over time was only an hour and 30 minutes before my next flight to Birmingham which wasn't all that long. The ques for security were ridicuously with hundreds of people trying to get through two rows. I was going to be here all day! Luckily, a member of staff took a bunch of us from the back around to another security area so 40 minutes later, I was through. I managed to grab some food in Starbucks (standard) before seeing that my gate was closely in big bold red letters and unfortunately the gate was completely down the other end of the airport...typical. So, I literally ran down the entire airport towards my gate, I was praying to god it wasn't closed, I could NOT miss this flight! I eventually arrived all sweaty and stressed and just made it in time.
This was it, I was on my final flight back to Birmingham where my family would be waiting for me. I worked out that they would be just waking up back at home, I couldn't wait to see them. The flight back was comfortable, I tried to sleep but couldn't. I just kept thinking about seeing their faces at the airport and how I would feel. It sounds so silly but it just kept makng me feel so emotional. 3 months was the longest I had ever gone without seeing my mum. I had realised on this trip just how much I still needed her. I really thought me going away would be so hard for my mum but that I would be fine and independent, and as it had turned out, I was the needy one phoning her all the time.
Finally, we landed in Birmingham which was cold and pouring down with rain but I didn't care! I waited for my luggage which typically took forever, and phoned my brother to let them know I had landed. It was so weird being able to make phone calls and not having to be in a wifi area, and having 3G back, god I had missed that! I could use as much internet whenever and wherever I wanted to! Once through customs, I headed towards the long ramp which took you to the waiting area for relatives. As I was walking up I could feel my heart starting to race, were they going to look any different? of course not Chelsea, it's only been 3 months. I got to the end and scanned the crowds of people, I couldn't see them. Then, right from the end I heard Jack's voice saying "there she is!", I looked over and saw my mum, dad and brother stood at the front holding a massive white sheet in which they had handwritten 'Welcome Home Chelsea'. My mum had her arms wide open, welcoming me in for the biggest hug, I'd made it! 3 months of travelling and I'd made it home safely. My mum hugged me as I started to cry with relief, I felt so overwhelmed. Next I went to hug my dad who by this point was holding a tub of homemade mince pies that mum had frantically made that afternoon when my brother dropped into conversion that I was hoping for some as had missed out on all her cooking, I had 3 months to catch up on. I had missed him loads too and his funny little ways. Then my little but big Jacky who was filming the whole thing, I had missed him so much! I was looking forward to seeing Jo-Jo who couldn't make it because of work which I understood. I couldn't wait to see her before Christmas though which was only a week away.
We went to grab some food in Frankie and Bennies and they asked my all about my trip, but to be honest, I had been filling them in all the way through so there wasn't much new to tell them. We also had a couple of mince pies each then decided to head home as I was tired after 20 hours of travelling home with absolutely no sleep. Jack had made three rounds and my fav sandwiches: Tuna, Salmon and Cheese and pickle, followed by my fav chocolate bar Kit Kat Chunky...YUM! I chatted to them the whole way back holding my mums hand, with dad and Jack abusing me...back to normal then!
We eventually arrived back at our home. Dad and Jack brought my stuff in, I kissed everyone goodnight and headed up to my room where my nice, warm and comfy bed was waiting for me. My mum had just put on fresh bedding too which she knows I love, and little chocolates were spread across my pillow. Before I went to sleep, I thought to myself how crazy it was that only 5 months ago I decided to go travelling, 3 months ago I left and now I was back, after meeting some amazing people from all over the world, with all those memories and experiences which I will never forget. What an incredible chapter of my life! Who Knows what the future holds for me!
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