After Dijon we headed for Strasbourg - International city and all that, only to arrive on the annual market day, where every disreputable travelling marketeer and tout converged on the central island. We had wandered around Ancient Colmar and had lunch there, before making our way to Strasbourg. There was no parking at our hotel, so we ended up at one of many multistories, where it cost 18 euro for 2 nights.
Returning to the island, we discovered that security was on red alert: each entrance was blocked at least partially by garbage trucks and fences, and security guards were checking all bags on entry. The locals were somewhat annoyed at this. Once free of the crowds we went through some churches and navigated the treacherous niceties of dining - Cheap and cheerful Italian.
Next day we sweltered through a boat trip around the Island, which helpfully put things in perspective, and then in the afternoon failed in our attempt to seek out cool corners as went through the local museums and ducal palace, finishing off the night with increasingly customary late dinner and walk, as we waited to view Lux - a creative light show at 3 different venues around the city, similar (but not as good) as Sydney’s Vivid. But everyone was outside- 11pm, and people were milling everywhere, eating ice creams, riding bikes, chatting. On Monday we trotted off to Germany, revisiting Alpirsbach, in the Black Forest, where 28 years ago Mark crawled all over the life size chess pieces in the shadow of the Church, as we waited fruitlessly for repairs to the combo. The chess board had planter box in the middle of it now, but we recognised it and had a celebratory chocolate biscuit at the local conditerei in its honour. And thence to Konstanz- and found dear Tate, who is doing a year at University there as part of her UTS international course. She showed us the sights and delights of Konstanz, from the cathedral at its heart, to the beaches and water views. Fabulous time, over all too soon.
Our accommodation, above the local Maccas (not mentioned in the blurb)was quite other....neat and clean and spacious, but no air con and windows facing west had to remain shut until the sun was off them. Eventually it was dark, and we worked out how to fully open the window. But the best way to benefit from the flow of relative coolness, was to jam the window open with a desk chair, and sleep at the other end of the bed. So I did.
So we didn’t start the next day particularly fresh. But we filled up with fuel and made our way to Switzerland. And it was hot there too.
- comments
Yvonne Harrison Lovely that you caught up with Tate! I'm just catching up on your blog after a few weeks! Very entertaining reading!