So there was more I wanted to mention in my last blog on Taiwan but just was too rushed then wanted to do other blogs while they were fresh in my memory. So I would like to go back where I left off after the drunken Karaoke night but before heading to Bangkok.
Michelle and I had a day to adventure on our own while Tash wrapped up some of her life in Taipei. We went to Taipei 101 which was the worlds tallest building up until the opening of the one in Dubai last year. This was an amazing view of the whole city it really demonstrated how big the city is and yet how small the island is. To enjoy this view we got beer floats, yes that's right beer floats, beer with some vanilla ice cream in it. We met one of Tash's old roomates and went out for beer and Japanese BBQ (grill your own food).
We spent one day on a black sand beach near Jiaoshi with friends, the weather was perfect for it. Finally got a chance to pull out my frisbee, yes I brought a frisbee backpacking with me. That night we went to Old 98 or as Tash and Winston know it "Bruce's Bar". When you know the owner so well that you can call him to see if a certain bartender is in and you call the place by the owners name... maybe you drink to much? We came here to do a shot of cocaine, this was a must do while we were in Taiwan. It's a 4 ounce layered shot with Kahlua, Blue Curacao, 151 and absinthe. The bartender lights it on fire then sprinkles some cinnamon on it to make it spark. Places a glass over top of it to put it out and catch the fumes, when he removes the glass he traps in the fumes with a napkin and gets you to drink the shot through a straw. Then stab the straw through the napkin and suck in the fumes. As you can imagine, this burns. After this we went too an all you can drink bar ... enough said.
On our last night in Taipei we went up the Makong Gondola to walk around and enjoy the view from the top of the mountain one last time. Spectacular, we caught it as the sun started setting. Breathtaking. To end and honor the amazing time we had in Taiwan we had taiwanese beer and dumplings in the airport before we left. This may be a new tradition when leaving a country, beers in the airport. To top it off experienced some aftershock from an earthquake.
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