Since I was forced to look at fishermen in thongs, I think I have the right to demand an update of your blog's photo gallery! I would love to see what the Ellora and Ajanta caves look like. If you have time ^_^. Cheers!
Hi Britt! Happy New Year! We got your postcard this week, thanks for the great picture of dudes fishing in loincloths (>.<) We're continuing with ESSC and we just had our first season of being positive on the +/- column! Waiting for you to be our fearless leader in Dodgeball LOL. Take care!
Happy Birthday Brittany! Although the ATA world is still spinning without you, it is not quite as much fun. I am seriously jealous of your big adventure. It sounds like you're packing a lot in. The blogs and pictures are great. Enjoy every day; you'll be back here before you know it. haha!
Hi, Brit -- signing in for the first time, although I've been checking every day for new posts. So glad you are sharing your adventure with us. Love the pictures, too. Life is good -- take care -- enjoy!
Kristina L
Sounds like you're having an amazing time, Brit! Thanks for sharing your travels with us. :)
Great pictures - thanks for posting them. I'm amazed at how big Khatmandu is. It's not the village I imagined!
Yay! A photo album! Next we need videos of you running away from monkeys ^_^
w00t! Love the blog entries! Five out of five! Probably the closest I'll come to visiting these places until the kids grow up. Glad to know you are enjoying your trip and thanks for sharing!
Just read your blog. The first 3 posts are great. Don't worry too much about your style of writing, it's enjoyable. Still waiting on the photos though.
Hmm... not much content... I give this blog one star out of five... ^_- J/K
Hope you are too busy having fun to sit in front of a keyboard blogging!
Wanda Nyholt
Hi Munchkins! Hey, no doubt you are having a fabulous time in Taipei with Tash, miss you like crazy! you think it would be better if I forwarded your Visa to Marc. If you still want it to go to Nepal, I think you should try e-mailing your contact there first, see what he says and then let me know, how's that sound? Lots of love and sunshine......stay safe!! Momma xoxox
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain