Phnom Penh Feb 21st (Part 1)
Forgot to mention that vietnam air also have a "screaming kids" option as well as window, or aisle when booking in. What a day we were having....
Also i am gutted that i have lost all my photos from here on until hong kong, as the memory card i bought from Vietnam has decided to pack up, and i can not get a thing out of it, and as always i had loads of great clips and pictures. So the one attached to this blog is from the internet i am afraid, and there will be no picture album.
Anyway the Cambodian border.........
So we pull up at the border knowing we needed to get a visa and that it was 20 dollars.
Well don't forget that after the happy hour incident we were a few dollars shorter, but still had a total of 50 dollars between us so obviously that would be enough................
So at the border they start taking the big luggage out and give me my rucksack then wave us over to a building. But Jonnies bag was still inside so we questioned why did i have mine and Jonnie not have his?
"ok ok"
me and jonnie looked at each other and after threatening to kill him, jonnie managed to get his bag. Not that it mattered as you put your bag through an x ray machine that no one was monitoring, got your passport looked at by a bloke that could not care less and was then pointed to a guard hut after we put the bags back on the coach.
So over we go to the guard hut where a couple of shady guards are sat, expecting to be directed to the place where the visas are issued.
Apparently we were there!! "Dollars" they asked for then said "where photo??"
well we were told you did not need a photo.
So they looked suspiciously over both shoulders like in the comedy films and said "ok ok you pay more money"
Dreading that happy hour was going to cost us a return to Saigon we were delighted when he only charged us 2 dollars each more.
At last things are taking a turn for the better we said as we walked away with our visas and noticed the coach dissappear around the corner and over the border in a blast of dust......
To make it worse i had not put my trainers on properly, and also jonnie has the running ability of a 3 legged donkey, so we just stood there and watched the dust settle.
here we go again we thought.
Luckily one of the guides must have noticed at the last minute, and we just saw the brake lights go on in the distance as it skidded to a halt.
welcome to Cambodia we thought...............Part 2 next
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