Despite the fact that it rains for practically the entire 24 hours we spend here, I fall so in love with Singapore on the (accurately metered) taxi drive from the airport, it's so clean, so green, so proper, so antiseptic, I'm already planning our move out here for a few months and quizzing Brian on how easy it will be for him to get a contract out here.
Fret not, within 2 hours I have fallen out of love with Singapore and remembering why I didn't like it the first time round - it's like a Disney version of Asia - even the restaurants in the seemingly never-ending shopping malls that all link seamlessly one to the other so you don't ever have to breathe real fresh air or encounter nasty elements like rain or wind, have silly names like Thai Express or MacCurrys. Worse still everything is the same price as the UK. The only way you know you are not at home is that the bad spelling persists - we are enticed to eat in the 'Mumber 1 Restaurant' (how good does that sound?!) and I am tempted by a hot scone massage, although it sounds a little messy. Particularly if they add jam and clotted cream.Mmm. The massage place also does something called a parfango meso massage, which sounds even more pretentious, or possible tastier, than the hot scones, it was hard to decide. Bri harrumphed at my indecision and pointing to the outrageous price list offered me a quick rub down with an old flannel back in our hotel room. How could I refuse? Particularly as I'm sure I saw him lingering near the patisserie earlier. Who knows, he could have been purchasing scones…..
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