On our way north we stopped in Waitomo to visit some glow-worm caves. They are amazing. We drove for about 45 minutes through some stunning scenery, along some precarious dirt roads winding up and down the hills until we got to the caves. We had to don classy little Bob the Builder hats with a head torch fastened to the front and then walk deep into a very dark cave, using only our little head torches to navigate. At the end of the cave walk we hit water, so we all got into a large rubber dinghy and turned off our torches and our guide gently guided us along through a cave in the darkness. We bobbed along and above our heads thousands of glow worms are suspended emitting their fluorescent lights. All we could see was a haze of tiny green lights as far as the eye can see, it's a marvellous experience, very peaceful and serene, rather like being up close to a green Milky Way. The recent stresses of recalcitrant accountants and tax deadlines float away like our little boat, and we remember why we've come on this trip - to see amazing sights and do amazing things, and today we've managed both.
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