Christmas in the sun
I left the Irish and went to meet the Kiwis. i took a 2 hour bus from Lake Taupo to Napier. Scott and baby bro met me at the bus station. It was so good to see him and nice to have a porper hug (none of this awkward nonsense).
We went back to his parents and i met the whole family who happened to be staying for xmas. i am far to shy for my own good....i wanted to hide lol. We got settled had some dinner, that evening we went to a party to meet Scott trillions of friends.
The house the party was hosted in was lush. It had a glass shower at the back on the outside of the house facing mountains. How sexy??? I was intorduced to 1000 people and had the same convo with all of them lol. How long am i in nz for??? What are my plans??? How do i know Scott??? I was fun but over whelming. i left early as one of Scotts friends had work and offered to drop me home.
Over the next few days we went to more parties, visited the beach and such. Xmas eve i spent laying on the beach watching the guys surfing. i would loved to have gone out but 1. the boys are amazing surfers and im not 2. the water is FREEZING.
Christmas day we woke and sat around the tree while the ryans did gifts. I had to leave at one point as i nearly burst into tears. It was xmas....i should be with my family doing gifts around the tree. Not an overly emotional person but it almost got to me xmas day. When i returned from what i blagged was a toilet break Lyn (Scotts mum) gave me a wrapped gift. Chocolates a mug set, how very sweet. I got the family a bunch of flowers and a bottle of wine to say thankyou for having me over xmas.
We went to Lyns cousins for Brunch. We were greeted with Champs (with strawberrys in and everything!!!). The layout on the table looked fabulous. There was everything from museli, fruit and yogurt. To warm crossants with ham,cheese,tomato and avacado. Pastries off all shapes and sizes. By 11am i was pissed....i knew this because i was no longer shy but giggling away with scotts cousin on the couch. Lukily coffee followed shortly after. I stood on the balcony of Melissas house looking over Hawkes Bay with the sun beaming on me...another crazy travelling moment (we need to think of a name for these????) i was actually here living the dream.
In the eve of xmas we went to Lewisis house. Lewis is one of scotts close friends i had come to know and therefore chat to and not cling to scott like a lost puppy!!! We chillled in Lewis's pool with a view over Napier. What a way to spend xmas evening. i got chatting to Paul (a guy from surrey, been in nz for 3 months) it was nice to talk s*** to someone who understood how exciting it was to be doing what we were doing. Lewis,Paddy,Luke,Matt,Dave,Paul,Logan and Hayden were my friends now also. I have seriously forgotton what it is like to be a girl...
The following day we all woke up a tad fragile...Scott and Luke got straight back on the beers. I dont know how they do it. I drove around alday as they played up bigtime. They are amusing...
Acouple of days later we headed north to Gisborne for rhythm and vines festival over ny...i had no idea what to expect that was prop for the best.
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