Trekking on the Glaciers with my 3 fav people on the South Island!!
Mike and I decided to meet Han and Beck on the West Coast to hike on glaciers, be tourists and generally play up.
Setting of at stupid oclock, still half in my PJ's and wrapped tightly in my duvet Mike and left for the West Coast.
The scenery on the way to Arthers Pass was as beautfiul as ever. There was a low mist along the mountains, looked very mystical. We stopped at Arthers Pass for coffee and a stretch, we arrived in Greymouth late morning. What a crap hole...greymouth isn't pretty. We headed north to a place called Punikaiki. Very scenic and good bonding time for Mike and I. We skimmed stones and did cartwheels on the beach. We decided to hang about for H&B to arrive. Their magic bus was due in about 4-5ish. We went for lunch then headed back to the cliffs to read our books. Within half hour I was cursing because the bugs were feasting on me. I stole the car and drove to a climberable part of the cliff and went swimming. was cold but so very worth it. I was the only person on the beach for at least 5k it was lovely.
We met Han and Beck we headed sounth from Greymouth to Franz. All very hyperactive :-). Half way to Franz Mike got pulled over for speeding. $230 fine but the copper was fairly nice about it.
Arriving at Franz we checked in and made dinner. Chilled in the spa and planned our attack for the following day. We had afews drinkies at the bar, we all bought Mike a pint each to cheer him up after the speeding ticket thing. He was abit annoyed but took it pretty well.
We deiced to wonder to the glacier hiking office early as we were told it was busy for that day. Lukily we all got spaces on the same tour. I got the hike for free so went halfs with Mike. My work had to fax a letter through to prove I was who I said I was etc. I got chatting to the lady at the helicopter office. I'd spoke to her 2 days before to book 2 people on a flight. She said she has spaces on both Heli hikes (helicopter to the top of the glacier and you hike down to the bottom, the helicopter gets you to spots that are not easily accessible). Or a scenic flight around both Franz and Fox glacier plus mount cook (mount cook is the highest mountain in NZ). What the hell do you pick given the choice?!?!?!?!
After a longgggggggg think i decided to go with the scenic flight as i wanted to Hike with the crew that afternoon. I tried to descretly slip away for the flight while the others checked into another hostal. The helicopter ride was amazing. We landed on top of the glacier not far from Mount Cook. OH MY WOW...I felt on top of the world it was soooooooooo beautiful. Mike has been winding me up about how i'm going to miss the best ski season ever etc etc etc. I sad i may miss out on the snow capped mountains. I rolled around in the snow and made snow angels just because i could. The trip wasnt long but it was one of my highlights in NZ.
In the afternoon I did the halfday Hike with Han,Beck and Mike-a-licious. Geared up with crampons...waterproofs (not forgetting the flag!!!) we were off :-) We walked about 5k (didnt seem that long) to the glacier and spent approx 2 hours on the ice. We went through ice tunnels and trekked up and down steep steps. It was awesome but i was done by the end of it, getting cold. Beautiful views and something i'm very glad to have ticked off the list.
We went for coffee after then Mike and I headed home. We were sposed to share the driving but Mike had ALOT of sugar and a "crack infused bottle of powerade"....he was happy to drive the 6 hours home.
All in all a very adventurous weekend. New Zealand = the land of magical scenery xx
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