We checked out where the free camp sites where and went to the closest one.
Omg....i love free camping. It was a simple camp site with nothing but beautiful views and a stream with the blueist/greenist (that doesnt make sense huh??) colour water ive ever seen. it was stunning. i jumped off the bank into the water (it took a good 10 mins i was a p**** was freezing, cleary its mountain water that has recently melted. Still....i was in my element and voluntarily got caught in currents dragging me down stream. it was only when we got out i saw i sign stating it wasnt save to swim due to the strong currents. oh well.....takes alot more to keep me out of the stunning looking river.
That afternnoon G and I walked about 2k downstream to a waterfall. I cant get over the colour of the water is soooo beautiful!! in the eve we booked spagetti with sausages (the tinned stuff lol)...the cooker exploded. Flew off in 30 different directions and made such a loud noise everyone from the camp site rushed over to see if we were alive. It was scary as someone could have been seriously injured. Lukily noone was, although Dave and G couldve sued and got back the fortune they paid to hire the van.
The following day we headed slightly out of town to a nice camp site with hot springs. I cooked us all pasta (which was lovely) and we chilled in the springs. We watched movies in the back of the campervan and i was very tempted to fall asleep with the boys as to stay warm. However i worry to much and couldnt settle. They insisted it was fine but i wasnt comfortable taking up there room.
The next day i HAD TO LEAVE. i booked a bus ($23 for half the distance i could have got the special for lol) to napier where I was to meet an old friend...
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