Angkor Wat, Siem Reap - After traveling from Nha Trang, Vietnam to Siem Reap for about 36hrs on various buses, we were hoping that this giant temple called Angkor Wat will be worth it! we were up at 4am to see the sunrise over the temple, i was greeted by a tuk tuk driver (little 3 wheeled moped) who drove us to the temple, could not see anything, just followed the person in front. at first the temple was eerie, you could hear monks in the distant praying and chanting, and all sort of bugs and animals making noises, when the sun start to rise you can start to see the size of the place, it was huge, probably the size of the houses of parliament and surrounding buildings. when the sun had completly come up, we had a look around the various temples, climbed the biggest set of steps i have ever seen, and looked out over the vast area it covered, which made the long journey and early start well worth it. on our way out we were stopped by and elderly, shaven head, buddist woman, who grabbed my wrist and tied a red piece of string round it a said i will always have good luck if i wear it! after Angkor the tuk tuk driver took us around the other temples in Siem Reap, none compared to Ankgor Wat, although the last temple was cool, it was overgrown with huge trees, and was a set for one of the tomb raider films.
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