Day 2 - Adelaide, South Australia Australia
This morning Sydney made French Toast because Brodie's never had them. We then watched the last two episodes of the season of Glee (so good!). After getting an outside tour of the yard and collecting the eggs from the chickens, we headed off to the Mt. Lofty Botanical Gardens. It was really pretty. All the autumn colors from the trees, and the serenity! My senses were still thrown off because my head tells me it shouldn't be fall right now, but the trees and temperature says otherwise - it's a weird feeling. I also learned that Adelaide was built as a narrow city, so it's an hour to travel from east to west, but 30 minutes to go north and south from the ocean to the mountains. After the botanical gardens we went to visit Brodie's parents. What was supposed to be a somewhat quick stop to drop some eggs off turned into a seven hour non-stop talk-a-thon! It sounds intense, but it was soooo good! Sydney and I took turns talking about what parts of America we're from and how they differ, debunking any American myths (or confirming them…) and comparing cultures. Brodie's parents were such good hosts offering a variety of snacks and beverages. I'm not a big tea drinker, but they seem to love their tea here. Adelaide, or South Australia, is supposed to be a big wine state. So I got to try some white and red wine. We finally left after a Thai take away dinner at nine. After meeting some of Brodie's theatre friends we headed back home to watch movies and socialize.
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