We're engaged!!! Finally, after 8 years of dating, I asked Laura to marry me. Getting the ring was an adventure in itself. I researched hours and hours and hours online on how to pick the perfect ring and diamond. The first tip was to buy the stone separate. After more research I found a diamond seller online where you could narrow down your selection from a huge inventory. Not wanting to buy the stone online though, I decided to make the drive to Perrysburg, Ohio to examine it for myself. So after selecting the stone in an hour's time, I made the drive all the way back to Michigan (meanwhile telling Laura I was at work all day). The ring came together beautifully and I couldn't have been more excited to ask Laura to marry me. I planned this trip to Hilton Head as a romantic getaway where I could "pop the question". I carried the ring with me on the flights in my backpack. Of course I was nervous the whole time that security would stop me and the suprise would be blown, but all went according to plan. I didn't want to ask Laura right away, I figured we'd get settled in for a day or so which would give me an idea where to actually ask. I decided upon the beach on the ocean in front of our hotel. Not wanting to create a huge spectical of the matter, and wanting it to be more of a private moment, I thought early in the morning would be best. So I asked Laura in the evening if she'd like to go for an early morning walk to search for sea shells. I set the alarm for WAY too early in the morning, 5:00 or so, and it was still completely dark out. So I layed in bed some more, still not sleeping a wink. I get up, shower, put on a nice shirt, cologne, shaved etc. We walk down the beach for literally a couple miles when she finally mentioned something about the length of our walk. It's now or never I thought. I got down on one knee with my stomach in my throat, and barely got out the words as my voice quivered to no end.
Other than the big event, we ate at Salty Dog cafe, did some sightseeing, sat on the beach, the usual vacationing activities. I remember that while the vacation was fun and all, we found ourselves having trouble finding things to do. It was a trip to remember though!!!
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