Thanks for the updates! it seems you having time over there.
Make a most of it as your one of the luckiest one on the planet.
John Higgins
Sorry about the match fixing thing. I don't know what I was thinking of.
I can only apologise and assure you that snooker is an honest game played by honest pros.
Thomas Isaac
Hi Dan, It's Tom. I hope all is well. Did you take my hair straigteners with you? I can't seem to find them anywhere. Whats new with you? I have been painting a house in Chepstow for 3 months now. It is taking longer than what I expected as I am using a toothbrush and putting 7 coats of paint on each wall. Look at me waffling on, I must go. As they say in Wales LLandudno for now!
Keep updating your blog please. Tim, Chris and I all get together once a week to read your blogs and discuss you and your crazy adventures!!!!!!!!!
hI Dan, Luv the Phillphinnes magnet!!!.ITs Pride Of place with all my others.luv you from all of us.
Richard Warren
Hello Dan
It's Richard Warren here, Oh dear...sigh....Hope your trip is going well....Oh dear....sigh...I seem to be particularly depressed and grumpy today......extra big sigh.......That's all I really wanted to say.........sigh......
Boris Whifflet
On Ebbw Vale project can you remember if the lift supplies were from MCBs or MCCBs? We're in an argument with the Contractor and your input would be helpful.
Boris Whifflet
Barry Pinches
F.A.O. Mr Boxshall,
I have been informed by the hostels that you have been staying in, that the ! key has broke. After reviewing your blog posts I can only assume that this is due to your over use of the ! button. To ensure this doesnt happen again, please refrain from using the ! button.
Hi Dan. Rockrt Ronnie here. Terry Griffiths and Marco Fu were talking about your blog this week and I thought I'd check it out.
Thanks for tuning in for the final. Despite the result I'm pleased with my overall game. It was an amazing comeback by The Selbster and I think he'll be the man to beat at the World Championships..
Cheers for now guv. The Rocket.
PS - Looks like you're having a great time!
I miss you more than your Gran does and more than you miss Greggs. Stephanie sends her love. X
Bernard Van Kopplesdorf
Can you remember if the supply to the Fan Coil Units on level 3 was on DB L3/P1/6L1 or 6L2?
I love your new photos, Dan. The wakeboarding centre looked great on their site. I hope you are now having a fantastic time in Manilla. It's -12 and icy here! Loads of love xxxxx