Great, blog/photos. Can you send that warmth here?!!!!! love youxxx
Hi Dan,had nice xmas with Richard~family.well wrapped up for cold!!!brr. Happy New Year!!! lots of lovexxxx
I am looking forward to more news of your travels. Hope you are just having too much of a good time to post any info. Missing you both. x
Mum & Chris
Hi Dan & Tim
Happy Christmas :) It was great to get your email and phone call. Glad you had a great Christmas Day on the beach with friends. Thanks for the pressies. Loads of love xxxxx
Happy Christmas Dan & Tim, bye for now love dad shell and sammie xxx
Hi Dan
Happy Christmas yes it is Christmas!!! write more im interested but not enough to read & see more photos please. Whats with the squirrell,Lauren says what is its name lol. xxxxxx
Chris Shields
Hey mate, glad to hear you are having fun. I'm dropping Tim off at the bus station today. No Boxshalls in the house will be pure bliss :)
Upload some photos if you get the chance mate, but make that a low priority. The top priority is party, party, party!
Miss you mate, but Tom is looking after me x
Hi Dan.4ft of snow,here!!!.cant go out!!!!.
Christine Whitaker
A meteor shower and squirrels. What more could you want . Bye the way, I love driving your car. Thanks and hugs xxxx
Christine Whitaker
Great blog! Wish I was there instead of dull cold UK. Hugs back. xxxx
Have you found a Greggs yet?
Christine Whitaker
Hi Dan
What a fantastic adventure. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it xxxxx