Ahhh, a day at the beach.? Just what I need to clear my head after so much sight-seeing, and to prepare myself for the strangest part of our trip--Morocco.
In Tarifa, there is winf everywhere, which explains the enormous number of wind turbines we saw on our bus ride south from Seville.? The wind made it a bit tricky to sunbathe, since sand was drizzling on us the whole time, but it did allow us?to watch the incredible sport of kite surfing!? Hundreds of huge colorful kites fill the sky on Tarifa's main beach, and create a scene that reminds me of Mary Poppins.? Up close, I got to watch as most of the athletes struggled to mediate the waves and the wind, and a rare few masters tore through the surf, leaping 6 feet in the air on their boards.
Along with these surfer boys; Tarifa is full of tourists trapped on their way to Morocco-- either lured to stay by the beaches and bars, or too afraid to hop continents.? Sitting in our hostels luxurious lounge, relaxing to the electronic jazz, I am almost tempted to stay another day.? But Morocco is so close, we might as well see what all the fuss is about.
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