Ok guys so lets get a positive blog entry going today..........i do apologise for yesterday i was actually in quite a positive mood last night it is just that the previous couple of days which i was writing about i hadn't been!
So.........where did i get to?......oh yeah Saturday afternoon we were picked up from straight outside the airport and taken to our first hostel which was Bohemia Central Cairns. The best thing about when we arrived was that we went to have showers and i loved having a cold shower........did not even have to touch the hot tap, pure cold water on a baking hot day........gorgeous! Although, the worst thing about showering whilst travelling is the use of a travel towel.........for anyone who has never used one, think of a towel made out of shammy're right, really lovely and soft on the skin, but of no real use when it comes to rubbing dry!lol!
I admit i was not actually put off by hostels either, i was quite impressed......(think i had been expecting the worst!) and slept very well that first night. We were in a 6 bed dorm, with just one bed spare, we were sharing with a french couple (well we think they were a couple!), called Sayed and Charlotte, both of whom were friendly and chatted away to us, and then that evening an english girl, Helen, also joined our dorm. She has been travelling on her own for the last 4 and half months and appears to be loving every minute of it, and is someone that we plan on keeping in touch with as are all due to be travelling sydney to melbourne around the same time.
That night as we were still so tired we had a wander around Cairns briefly, had dinner in Outback Jacks (thanks to Amy's recommendation), booked ourselves into our hostel for the followinig night too, meaning that we wouold not have to check out by 09.30, and got an early night.
That lay-in was definately much needed as when we woke the next morning, it was 11am already.....yes i know very lazy!lol! Anyways we took our time getting up and ready and then went and bought a few bits at a supermarket before going and spending the day down at the lagoon. The beaches in Cairns are not that great and over the summer period you cannot swim in the sea due to stingers etc, so a man-made lagoon has been made right by the beach. It is absolutely gorgeous, surrounded by grass, trees, permanent BBQs available for all and benches.
By the end of the afternoon, I for one was feeling a lot more positive as the two of us had sat down and planned out and booked our whole route and everyday for whilst we are in Oz. This meant that whilst we still have some flexibility, we also have a plan and know what we are doing and when. By the time we left the lagoon it was gone 6pm, and so starting to get dusky (one thing that does suprise me here is how early it starts to get dark, its just like home really, and i expected it to be a lot later, not sure why?!). Again cold showers all round and then we went out for the evening. Here's something that will make you chuckle mum and Laz, it is so hot here, that me, yes me Amber Suckling, was even to hot to put a bra on under my dress last night! That's right, Amber Suckling went braless!lol!
Anyway enough of talk abouit my underwear... or lack of! Today we had to get up early for the first of our trips out. We boarded a mini bus at 7.25am this morning, along with 17 other people. The first stop of the day after picking everyone up was at Crossroads cafe where we could all grab some breakfast and drink. From here we went on to the Daintree river where we had a river cruise looking for salt water crocodiles. Was a really lovely trip but unfortunately no luck on the croc hunt! The main part of the day, and the main reason for going was to go to cape tribulation which is a world heritage site. We walked along a boardwalk through the tropical rainforest, and whilst we got bitten to pieces (despite insect repellant) it was really interesting to hear baout some of the animals in australia and the history of the rainforest here etc. We all had lunch together at the Cape Tribulation restaurant/cafe, and made our way back to Cairns. We were so lucky when driving back through the rainforest, to have spotted one of australia's rarest bird, the cassawary (don't be fooled by the term bird though, this animal can be up to 3 metres tall, and looks like a much prettier version of an ostrich to me!lol! look it up!). Having been advised that one was seen yesterday and they are noramlly only seen once a month or so, everyone was very excited that we saw a mother, father and 3 babies........something our guide has never seen all on one day before! The tour also stopped on the way back to take photo's of the amazing views from the mountain, for some to have a swim in mossman gorge, which is sooooo idylic and lovely and then finally at Port Douglas for some amazing ice-cream and a quick wander on the beach and high street. By the time we got back to Cairns and carried all of our belongings to our new hostel, Waterfront Backpackers Hostel, we were absolutely shattered. Also, very pleasantly suprised to find that our room at waterfront is only 4 of us sharing, and also has an en-suite toilet and shower.....result!
Just had dinner at the Woolshed, (another of Amy's haunts from when she was here!) as is included in the price of our hostel here, which is really good value for money. So all in all a good day has been had today. Looks like busyness and tours galore are the way forward for, as i have really enjoyed today!
- comments
laz yay so glad to hear that you are loving it and it sounds like australia is pulling out all the stops to impress you, cant beleive you went bra less that is rarer that the australian bird lol. glad your good and accomdation is o.k, lyl. xxx
Dad Oi - how about we leave my baby daughter's underwear out of the conversation eh !
linda (mum) What a fantastic blog hon, so glad you are starting too enjoy all that you went for......... er braless my daughter who says never never, what next I ask myself. look forward to reading your next blog. Loads luv
bj Hey hey, Really cool blog, im glad your starting to enjoy it after you whimpering!lol.....did you get my facebook. Can you imagine travelling on your own! Glad your having a good time was a long time in the making and a lot of planning, so enjoy every minute of it and ill put plans into action to make sure YOU are the only child for when you return home!!! Miss you already, Bj
linda (mum) Come on Boo give me some pics to look at.....Look ahead hon at all thats to come. xx
laz hey booanna, how about an update and some pics of that lush place you are hanging out in