Videos we were up, breakfasted on toast and bush beans, and checked out by 6.45am the next morning at Kroombit. Next thing we knew we were on the bus and on our way to the goats where we took part in a goat rodeo! In groups of three we had to enter the poo and goat filled pen and whilst timed, one had to lassoo a goat while another then tipped and the final person had to 'brand' the goat. Gillian, Darren and Aileen's team won the goat rodeo as it took them less than 30 seconds total! Also whilst up by the rodeo, most of us had a go at clay pigeon shooting, the gun was a lot heavier than i expected it to be, but i managed to hit one target out of five.
Everyone walked the goats over to the next field and then walked up Sunset Mount, which was apparently quite a steep walk. I was very suprised that they had to do this as despite being only 9am, it was sooooo hot and no-one had any water, hats or suncream! Due to still being on my crutches, i got a lift up three quarters of the way in an old beat up 4x4 with a guy called andrew and our bus driver Sonic. When we got as far as the 4x4 could go, i was told that the rest of the way had to be walked as was just climbing up rocks to get there! So, after about 15 minutes i made it up on my crutches to the top where everyone else was waiting already. we spent about 20minutes at the top, checking out the views, taking photo's and having a go at playing didgeridoo's, before everyone set off back down the mountain. I started making my way down to the 4x4 when Sonic decided that it would be quicker and better for me if he piggybacked me down! After much persuasion i final agreed and he carried me down to the 4x4 on his back, maintaining that it was good training for him as when he got back to Sydney he was going trekking!lol!
Once at the bottom, we spent some time being shown how to throw boomerangs properly and having a go ourselves. Eventually at about 10.45am, we all piled on to the bus and set off towards Hervey Bay, stopping in Agnes Water for chips and gravy for lunch....mmmmmm!
At Hervey Bay, Katie, Lynn and I had to say goodbye to Gillian and all of the Irish lot that we had been travelling with, as well as our driver Sonic who we had all got on really well with after having spent so long with him. At least we knew that we would be meeting up with Gillian at Noosa and the Irish again at Brisbane.
We checked into Beaches hostel at Hervey Bay and were pleased to find that both the staff and the facilities were better than the Beaches that we stayed at in Airlie Beach. After showers and settling in, we were gutted to find that we had missed the BBQ at the hostel and so we headed off to the sea front to find a cheap but nice little Italian, whose owner was really lovely and chatted to us for quite a while before the three of us headed back for bed. The following day was spent wandering around the shopping centre, where i treated myself to a pair of flip-flops and a really summery playsuit (mum and Laz, it really is not that funny!). When we got back to the hostel we chilled for a while and made pasta for dinner (it was that microwaveable pasta and was disgusting!) and then headed to the bar for a few drinks.
Our bus wasn't until 4pm on the thursday so we spent the morning at the beach and then a bit of time at the pool, before going back to shower and pack up ready for the bus. After some confusion over the shuttle and timings etc, we said goodbye to Lynn and got a taxi to the transit centre where the Oz experience bus and driver Binx was waiting for us. We were pleased to see that Kyle and Liam were on that bus too, so it was nice to see some familiar friendly faces. So, it was on to Rainbow Beach which is where we were to go to Fraser Island from.
- comments
laz mum and i have just read this its old skool. lol we want up to date gossip please. the good stuff like dancing on tables. x
sarah haha you should try reading katies blog she is still back in airlie beach about 2 or 3 weeks behind! i can't believe how hot you said it was at kroombit in the morning, when we were there in august i can honestly say that that was the coldest i have ever been in my life, we all had to get changed in bed under our duvets it was that freezing. im glad you are having fun and hope the foot is still on the mend xxx