Can't believe another 1 1/2 weeks have already gone by. Having a great time just getting into a routine and keep finding new areas to explore. Working at the YMCA is fun and interesting - Windows 98 and Corel Draw 3 - need I say more.
I'm starting to meet more "long-term" travelers and even a few locals. Friday I went to a fun bachelorette party for a friend of a friend - same as in the US - crazy girls! Also went out with the other 3 American volunteers to hunt down a small bar to watch the Super Bowl. No buffalo wings or commercials but still felt like we represented the US holiday!
Other than that I've been on some great runs along the beach getting ready for my next marathon March 16th in Ushuaia, Argentina. Also, I'm moving out of my great house to live on the top floor of the YMCA. Going to miss my window but think it will make it easier to stay connected with my new co-workers (plus it's free and is across the street from the ocean!)
Planning to leave wonderful Valparaiso on March 1st (also my birthday :) to head down to Patagonia and start the real "backpacker" portion of my trip. I've really enjoyed hearing from everyone - thank you!!
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