Yo meffs, thought I'd write a quick instalment whilst waitin for vish to have a shower a(you w how long that takes!) we're fresh back from a camel safari in the Thar desert which was wicked if not slightly painful! I have severe saddle sore! we only did one night which was more than enough, we trekked into the desert had some nice food cooked for us in the open air, visited a village & slept uin the sanddunes under the stars (which was not as romatic as it sounds as also v.uncomfortable cold!) Camels are strange creatures & mke some wierd noises, but it wa good fun & we also befriended a Safari Dog who follows the convoy of Camels every day! very cute! Jaisalmer is a much quieter city on the edge of the Desert, it was nice to escape the madness of Jaipur which is a vibrant city, but not really much to do apart from Forts & palaces of which we've seen enough! we did enjoy visiting Vish's cousins at the Monkey Temple in Jaipur - literally overrun with hundreds of monkeys which steal anything they can get their mits on, including one womans shoe!
The computer i'm on is rubbo so will write more later!
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