It's called the Blessing of the Fleet and it culminates a week long celebration in Bucerias, a formerly small fishing village north of PV.
We take the bus to Mega, a huge warehouse style store in Bucerias where we meet tall Bob and Donna, who have driven in from their RV park further north to spend the day enjoying the festivities with us.
The schedule said 11:00. At 11 the pangas would start their ramming of the beach. Why? It's somehow gotten lost in the translation, but they're here for a blessing from the priest and they come decorated and dancing.
At 12:30 we think we see tiny specs way out on the horizon. By 1:00 we're pretty sure it's the pangas, showing up for their 11:00 storming of the beach. 11 Mexican time.
The tricky part is not their getting beached, it's getting off. These are heavy suckers and it takes a raft of thickly muscled supporters to push them around, head them pointy end out, and hold them there against the surf until just the right wave. Be too slow and the thing's gonna roll right over. But if the guy starting the motor's too slow, the thing's upended.
You've got women and babies and giggly girls and rotors whirling and balloons flying and hundreds of fat bellied tourists all trying to get in for that perfect shot. I got shoved back out of the way more than once--I know.
We sat in the shade enjoying a cold one for a couple hours before the boats finally appeared, but before we turned to head for the church we were thoroughly cooked! It was hot standing out there in the sun. We're northern folk not used to so much languid sunshine. The beach was crowded with us, but with lots of Mexicans, too. It was fun to see families out enjoying the beautiful day.
- comments
Nancy Great pic!!
Nancy Beautiful pics,,,,and love the pic of "The Bob's!"
Nancy VERY NICE PIC of my "Favorite: Sister-In-Law! :)