bobnkaren's great adventure
This is a gorgeous park on the level of anything you´d see in Europe. But then, that´s who they copied. Maria and Matias picked us up Sunday afternoon and took us for a mate picnic, sure that if we tried ¨the best mate ever,¨ we´d love it. And actually, it wasn´t as bad as I remembered. In fact, we kind of liked it.
Mate, if you haven´t heard, is an tea with it´s own culture. More than a tea, it´s a passion down here. Special little cup, special silver straw, special thermos, special leather carriers.
But anyway, we enjoyed the mate and loved the park. Hope you will too.
- comments
Allen & Judie What a beautiful Park. Looks like a lot of people at all ages are enjoying the time at the Park Too! You are having such a good time. We are so happy for you both. Stay safe & well. L Y
Maggie Beautiful Park, not quite what I expected.
bobnkaren What a great sister. Thanks for leaving comments---it means so much to us that people do that. Glad you're enjoying the photos.
bobnkaren Nor us. It's nothing like we've seen in other parts of both BA and of Argentina. We couldn't get over how manicured the place looked. It was such a joy to spend time in and so nice to see families out enjoying it.