Hey ladies,great to hear your home safely,did you hear about Steve irwin- thats f***ed up,i took the day off and went to the pub for him. The weathers much nicer at home than here in Essex,but i am making the most of it.Give me a call sometime so we can catch up!!! Big hugs to you all from your aussie friend Ads!
Hey Guys, You've been missed by us all and as a selfish as it sounds we cant wait to have you home!!! Friday night is turning into some sort of school re-union with some of the lads participating in the welcome home bash - what a treat!!!! All I can say now is: safe journey home and see you Friday if not before.
I am sooooooooooooooooo jealous of all these reported fit surfers. The UK is full of the usual charvers and mingers. Just the other day I was accosted on the train by a larger swilling chav asking if I had 'a spare fag for wir hoo'. vile. To my utter disgust it is also STILL the school holidays-do they get 4 months off nowadays?! so the place is also overrun with screaming brats especially in Tesco, where I am sure the staff are mentally retarded by the way. After asking one member of staff on the checkout where I could find hairdryers (mines bust) she looked at me as if i had grown another head and replyed 'i divvent nah but maybe down there like' pointing in the direction of fruit and vegetables. Also whilst in Sainsburys (no, I'm not auditioning for supermarket sweep) I was unlucky enough to forget my wisdom of NEVER EVER joining the queue with OAP's in it, even if the other tills are a mile long...therefore stuck, as all my trolley good were stacked on the conveyerbelt i had to spent an infuriating 15 minutes behind 'maud' and 'joan' scrappelling through a thousand coupons whilst talking about last nights episode of heartbeat. WHY AM I CURSED? cant wait to catch up, got a new phone so give me a ring when you are back! :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi guys, as of tuesday next week Im officially in durham. So I'll be intouch! Need to make up for this lost summer, seeing as I can count on one hand how many people Ive seen. Cant wait for the special ladies to get back, Im ecpecting an event. Perhaps we could organise some kind of street parade for their return, any thoughts?!?! Rosie ay? Whats that bleedin all about, is the 'something about mary' hair still going? I never rconise that girl when I see her. ok, off me pops to work. Miss you all xxxxx
Hey guys so excited for your return....can't wait to catch up. Not really settled back home yet as just got back from hols and after arriving home for 3 days spontaneously jetted of to london with issy for the bank hol. Now having to face up to the reality of no job...no money..and possibly know physio future as there are no bloody jobs cos NHS are freezing so many posts. .....oh well nina has put in a good word for me at monsoon and donk of course at brown sugar, if it's stilll surving when I get back that is! but as I have no shop experience except that job at the sandwich shop i'm not holding my breath!! Had a hilarious night with nina and aida in newcastle last week although we only made it to two bars possibly cos issy came to meet us and it all went down hill from there!! luckily she's is still living at home or i really don't know how i'd cope m&d are already doing my head in so may have to retreat to chates in manc more often...until you guys get back ofcourse!!
Seen donk, nina and mel quite a bit but not during the lonely day times!!! and ofcourse been out with everyone to celebrate lou's news and much to our pleasure even julia-rose joined us (sometimes just known as rosie these days!) giving everyone free beauty consultations. a real treat!!
anyway guys enjoy your last few days, so excited to see you and hear all the stories. hope you had a great time with claire jen. oh and fi nearly crashed into mother harrison the other day at new traffic lights outside gings old post office! luckily i wasn't recognised!! lots of love and kisses bex xxxxxxxxxxx
Hey guys how you doing? Been reading your posts (very amusing they are too) for a while but not had anything worth writing about so didn't bother but how random is this? I just started 4th year but could do ten weeks abroad so i'm in Oz doing emergency medicine and staying in this hostel in Coffs Harbour. Was looking at the photos on the wall in the corridor and there's two really drunk girls (and ritson) staring back at me who look kind of familiar. Then i work out that you did the whole display! Very bizarre. Sounds like south america is a lot of fun, i've got a vague memory of dancing at a club on the harbour front in buenos aires way after the sun came up, problem was in broad daylight everyone can see how much of a tit you look like. Never mind. Take it easy
Empty your inbox missus!
Swalika!!! Capoeira hey? that sounds sweet! hope you are still having a wicked time in South America and have found some fit men by now, good god Rio had the most potential. Really cannot wait to see the pictures of the pope!! Hope you got the forward attatchments I sent you courtesy of the southern shandy drinking fairy? They really are something else. take care and have fun! xxx
Ging I want to go to Spain, but cant, rubbish :( Guys Im going to be in Durham for your return! How exciting!!! I can not wait. It had better be good because Im not getting a holiday this summer so your weekend back will be my holiday! How sad. Ging where you staying when you up, need a bed? It will be my bed but we can snuggle up close!! Got one week left on my placement and I've got millions to do so best get cracking (can you believe it! Its the P***ing weekend!). But Im looking forward to finishing, I havent seen A single person from Durham yet so Im going to spend a few days around your return to catch up, hope your all going to be free. Hugs and kisses xxxxx
came across your journal by chance and its got to be the most hilarious one on the site. you should publish this - has given me hours of entertainment while counting down the days til i set off. thanks!!!
Long Lost Ging!!!
IM BACK!!!!!!! I was abducted from the modern world of technlogy - in that i aint had internet for ages!!!!!!! It has taken me hours to catch up on all the tales - me and kennedy are not getting married and no kids - but we do have a flat and saving for a car - which means road trips!!! wahoo!!! I booked my ticket to durham as soon as I heard of your return date - can't wait!!! who knows what surprises are in store??? but i hope there'll be no signs of a broken nose on my pictures!!! lol ANYWAY - u fancy a long weekend in spain??? Im trying to get peeps togetha to top up their tan and live it up in 'la casa del griffino' - unfortunately brother griffin will not b there as he will be in hong kong - but im hopin for a group trip there for christmas - so get saving all!!! ok so flights for spain are about £140 return - its for fri sept 22nd til mon sept 25th - any1 who can make it let me know!!! I cant wait for the big reunion - i bought an outfit yesterday!!! really planning for once!! Infact I cant wait to see everyone - its bin ages!!! take care xxxx