Bryan and Anna's Excellent Adventure
Hello from Praha!
We made it to the Eastern Block, finally. As soon as we got into the Czech Republic I noticed the rails start to wobble a little more, and our train connection was about 45 minutes late. It was ok though because we met some interesting characters on the train. One from Alaska, one from England and another from Australia. All 5 of us found the hostel together, but only Anna and I had reservations and the place was full, so they were sent packing. No worries though because they found a place pretty close and we met up last night.
Our hostel is a little out of the way, so we went around last night here. This area is not the historic part, and a little grungy, but now we are headed in to the Old Town Square to see all the sights. Tonight we will meet up with the other bloaks for Neil's (the English kid) 19th bday down at Charles Bridge.
Before we left Munich we visited Landshut, where Anna's Oma and Aunt Tini were born. It was a great town with an old historic castle and huge church. It was cool to be out of a tourist town and get into a little more German culture. That night we had a nice BBQ at Andi and Margit's house. Katherina and baby Sarah there as well keeping Anna very entertained. Well, now its time to head out to see Prauge (after sleeping in for once), so send us your thoughts on Praha and we might be able to incorporate some!
Bry and Anna
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