Melbourne, Victoria Apr 23, 2012 General caching run around the Melbourne area and out to Ballan for FTFs. Total of 5 FTFs for the night, and about 30 caches in all. Great night with all three members of TDC there. Awesome.
Melbourne, Victoria Apr 15, 2012 Night caching run in Melbourne with Marty. No Trailrunning tonight as it was a midweek run. 42 caches for the day and night ( did a few earlier in the day while attending my appointments ) 39 for the night, lots of outstanding puzzles, multis, etc. Great clean up night... 59 for the trip to Melbourne, including a stf in shep on the way home.
Melbourne, Victoria Apr 12, 2012 Almost 60 finds for the 2 nights in Melbourne. 15 finds on the night of 11th April with Haveanez in the Melton and Bacchus marsh area 3 finds during the day on thursday on some outstanding trads and one mystery cache. 40 finds on Thursday night with Marty. Around Melbourne and inner mornington peninsula on heaps of puzzles and multis.... Only 4 trads out of the 40! One stf on the way home in shep on a new cache. Got beaten by cdmark who hadn't cached for two ...
Melbourne, Victoria Apr 2, 2012 Another legendary night caching run where 30 finds we're made all up, including 1 puzzle, 4 multis and an awesome 6 FTF in the one night. The six included 2 that had a stack of DNFs on them, one was 2 months old. Very very nice. We all had a ball, Adrian was stuffed in the end and Marty stacked the side of his car into a pole of a gate which turned out to be open....
Melbourne, Victoria Mar 5, 2012 Another night caching run, this time with Adrian - Trailrunning in our inaugural start to our 3 man monday night runs. One FTF in city and a few other stfs. Good night in all. Adrian departed at 2am.