Wow ok what a couple of days I need to update you lot about!!!
So we went out that night I was extremely drunk!! I thought I might be sick and ran out of the bar instead of to the toilet Ooops!!! I wasn't sick though!!! I sat on a wall and was attacked by cochroaches ARGH!!! Very Very sore head in the morning.
Ok so we thought we would have a lazy day lay on the beach and stuff, as we were walking back for some lunch we saw Marianne and Lynsey (who we met in Maui) they only booked us to go Skydiving at 1 that afternoon!!! I told them I would probably thow up mid free fall, I think people were going to pay me to do it as it would be straight up on Youtube!! Anyhoo they picked us up and took us to the Northshore and we didn't get to jump much to my relief. But we got free T-shirts cause they wasted half of our day. We had an Early night so I could get my head together.
Next day we had a car so we were off to the North Shore, but they still wanted to fit in that Skydive (those of you on facebook will have seen the pics and know that I did it and was soooo soooo sooo scared!!!) Yeah it was dragged out for a while then my dive master was a joker... lucky me!!! he kept trying to strap me in and pretending to do it all wrong knowing full well I was so scared. We went up in the plane and I couldn't look, my legs started shacking and everyone was joking saying I was shaking the whole plane my whole body then started to shake and I had to concentrate on breathing!!! Paul went first then it was my turn I was about to start crying said I don't want to go, my dive master obvisouly attached to my back stood up and walked to the door gave me enough time to say OH MY GOD and threw us from the plane!!! I swear alot from this point you'll have to wait to see the DVD very funny now at the time I thought I was going to die!!! Well they all thought I'd have some massive adreniline rush instead I had to go to the toilet as I thought I was going to be sick or pass out!!! Anyway we got back in the car went up to the beaches on the North Shore and watched the waves and surfers tres cool!!
The next morning we still had the car for abit so we went to Pearl Harbour we got the are 7:30am and the line up was massive!!! anyhoo we got in and watched a film all about the attack it was just a massive attack I had no idea (totally failed History didn't I!!) then you get on a boat and see the HMS Arizona so sad that so many people died just trapped in there. Ok so then we went back to the hostel. I had noticed afew bites on my arm and I showed Marianne and she said the bites are in a line they are bed bugs so I went and said something to the hostel guys and sure enough our room was infested and I have been biten sooooo much ( I must taste GOOOOOOOOD) so we spent our last day washing everything we have brought with us and moved rooms, we got a free night and got put in a private room.
And today we got up early posted something home and rushed aaround like crazy so I am now writing to you all from FIJI!!! BULA!!!
So before we were like 11 hours behind you so we left Hawaii at 12 on the 14th we landed at 4:30pm on the 15th I am sooooo confused right now it's not funny!!! so we are now ahead of you I don't know by how many hours. We're just trying to work out our route around the islands think we are sticking to the Yasawas Islands a group of 20 islands some whic have no more than 600m above sea level they look amazing, so you may not hear form us for a while as internet is far and few between.
Take care and lots of love from our little islands of paradise!!!
x x x x x x x x x x x x
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