We are finally heading home! We made it to Dublin last night without any real problems and found our hostel pretty easy. We checked in, and headed out to find some food since he literally hadn't eaten all day. By that time we were so exhausted we literally passed out on our beds. We had to get up about 4:30am to shower, pack, and catch the bus back to the airport. We warned all the girls in our room about this before going to bed and they all said it wouldn't be a problem, but one girl got up and was giving us all kind of trouble and yelling at us for being as quiet as possible and using our phone flashlights over 10 m away from her, pointed only at the floor. Sorry lady, I don't know what else you want me to do but we have to get on our plane so.... She told me if we were going to be so disrespectful we should have got a private hotel room. Excuse me, we told you all about this last night and no one else is bothered. Just because you can't sleep and are now awake and can hear us isn't my fault. Hmph! She was really annoying. Anyway we made it to the airport with plenty of time and through security. We are currently waiting at the gate to board, we got here a bit early. What a shocker, our flight is delayed 20 minutes currently. But no matter, as long as that doesn't get too much bigger since we have a connection to catch. Home is soooo close! And now that we are forced to leave, I just want to be home already! I don't wanna wait around for hours in this airport! Oh well, see you soon America!
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